How Is The Umbilical Cord Protected From Infection After Birth?

Do you know what is the role of the navel in our body before and after the birth of the child? Actually, the umbilical cord i.e. umbilical cord is connected to the navel of the fetus. Its structure is like a tube, and its function is to transport food and oxygen from the mother to the fetus. Also taking unwanted things away from the baby so that the mother’s body can get rid of it. But after the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord is cut by clamping or tightening it.

Now the question comes that after clamping the umbilical cord, should it be taken care of? Is the umbilical cord at risk of any kind of infection? Answers to many such questions keep running in the minds of new parents. There is no need to take tension, in this article, we are going to share with you how to take care of the umbilical cord after the birth of the baby so that it can be protected from infection.

What is the Umbilical Cord?

How Is The Umbilical Cord Protected From Infection After Birth

As we already said that Umbilical cord is like a tube that carries food, nutrients, and oxygen from the pregnant mother to the baby., This umbilical cord can be half an inch to one inch long. But immediately after the birth of the baby, it is cut by clamping.

Perhaps you might be thinking that cutting it will cause pain to the newborn baby, then for your information, let us tell you that there is no vein in the umbilical cord, hence neither the mother nor the baby feels pain when the cord is cut. Although the stump is bright and yellow before it is cut, as it dries, it may turn brown, gray or purple or blue. It shrinks before falling off on its own and then turns black and falls off.

Why Does Your Baby Have an Umbilical Cord Stump?

During pregnancy, the umbilical cord supplies nutrients and oxygen to the baby for its development. But after the birth of the child, it is no longer needed, so it is tied and cut. cut it into one are left as small stumps।

How should the umbilical cord be taken care of after birth?

  • Hands must be washed before touching the stump. Because any kind of dirt in the hands can create a risk of infection.
  • Try to keep the stump dry. Whenever you change your baby’s diaper, gently clean the stump with alcohol.
  • Keep the stump outside the baby’s diaper so that it can air dry as it can become wet once it goes inside the diaper, which increases the risk of bacteria growth.
  • It is safe to take a sponge bath until the umbilical cord dries so that the stump remains dry.
  • If the baby has diarrhea and for some reason, stool gets stuck in the umbilical cord, then it should be cleaned with chemical and toxin-free soap and water.
  • Do not make the mistake of touching the stump again and again.
  • When the stump starts drying, do not try to separate it by pulling it forcefully.
  • Do not tamper with the stump until it dries and falls apart.
  • If the yellow or white colored liquid is coming out from the stump, clean it gently with wipes. And keep monitoring whether any kind of infection is developing in it.

What happens when the Stump Comes Off?

  • If the stump falls off within three weeks after it becomes completely dry, there is no need to worry.
  • If there is bleeding from that area after separation of the cord, contact a doctor.
  • Keep the area dry even after the cord falls out. If a little yellow sticky liquid comes out later then that is normal.
  • But if the area around the navel becomes red then it is safe to contact a doctor.
  • Sometimes, a small tissue-like red bump may appear over the belly button. This growth is called umbilical cord granuloma. If you notice this and it doesn’t get better in about a week, tell your doctor.

We hope that from the discussion till now, you have understood how to take care to prevent the risk of umbilical cord infection after the birth of the baby. Therefore, be alert and keep the baby healthy.

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