What are the health benefits of eating Panch Phoran Masala?

Panch Phoran Masala Health Benefits

Many types of spices are used in India. In the summer season, such spices are used in food, which cools the body from within. At the same time, in winter, such spices are used which not only provide warmth to the body but also help in strengthening the immunity. This is the reason why grandmothers in Indian homes call spices the treasure of health. When it comes to spices, most people are limited to cumin, fenugreek, nigella, dry mango powder, turmeric and chili.

Even today, most of the people avoid using Panchphoran spice in food because they are not aware about it. I can say this also because Recently, a friend came to my house and when I fed him curry, he said that it tastes different. I said that people add curry leaves, fenugreek seeds, and asafoetida, but I have added Panchphoran spice to the curry.

As soon as he heard the name of Panchphoran, he got confused and even my friend’s mom started asking me what is this Panchphoran and what are the health benefits of eating it. So let us know in this article today what is the spice of Panchphoran and what are the health benefits of eating it.

What is the spice of Panchphoran?

As the name suggests, Panchphoran masala is prepared by mixing five types of spices. Panchphoran is prepared by mixing fenugreek, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and nigella seeds. Panchphoran spice is mostly used in eastern and northern India. Especially during the winter season, Panchphoran is used to add flavor to vegetables, pulses, greens and even chutneys.

Panch Phoron masala recipe

To make Panchphoran masala, first, take an empty bowl. In this bowl, add cumin – 2 tablespoons, fennel – 2 tablespoons, nigella seeds – 1 tablespoon, fenugreek seeds – 1 teaspoon, mustard – 1 teaspoon. Mix all these things well and use them as a common tadka spice.

Benefits of eating Panch Phoran Masala

helpful in weight loss

Weight Loss

Cumin is used in making Panchphoran masala. Adequate amounts of antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties are found in cumin. Apart from this, fenugreek seeds are used in Panchphoran. Both fenugreek and cumin prove to be very helpful in weight loss. Consuming Panchforan regularly also helps in boosting metabolism.

Relieves digestive problems

Panchphoran is a mixture of five types of spices, hence anti-inflammatory properties are found in it. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it proves helpful in eliminating digestive problems.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Nigella seeds are used in making Panchphoran masala. Antioxidant properties are found in nigella which can reduce the risk of cancer because it has the ability to eliminate free radicals in the body. The nutrients of nigella also help in detoxifying the liver.

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