Get to know Biphasic, Sleeping Patterns Twice a Day

Biphasic is a pattern of sleeping twice a day, namely naps during the day and night. However, you don’t need to take a long nap because this will actually interfere with the quality of your sleep.

Table of Content

1. What is biphasic sleep?
2. Biphasic sleep pattern
3. How to maintain sleep quality

Ever heard of the term biphasic? You may have a habit or pattern of sleeping long at night and taking short naps during the day. This condition is known as biphasic sleep. Find out more about biphasic sleep and how to maintain sleep quality through the following article.

What is biphasic sleep?

Biphasic is a pattern of sleeping twice a day, during the day and at night.

Most people usually have a monophasic sleep pattern, which only sleep at night for 6-8 hours per day. Others may adopt biphasic or polyphasic sleep.

This sleep pattern is formed naturally. Usually influenced by the activities and needs of each person, including the internal circadian rhythm.

Internal circadian rhythms are biological and behavioral routines that occur every day for 24 hours. This can be different for each individual.

In addition, sleep patterns, including biphasic sleep, can also be formed due to sleep disturbances at night. A person tries to fulfill his sleep needs by dividing it into two phases, night and day.

Another reason may have to do with people’s perception that biphasic sleep can make them more alert and more productive throughout the day.

According To Sleepopolis Monophasic vs Biphasic Sleep – Which Is Healthier?

Biphasic sleep pattern 

Biphasic sleep patterns are carried out in the following two ways:

  • Short naps, i.e. naps of about 20 minutes, plus a night’s sleep of about 6 hours
  • Long naps, about 1–1.5 hours during the day, plus about 5 hours of sleep at night

Even if you have a pattern of sleeping twice a day, biphasic sleep should not be done for too long. Napping too long can also cause sleep disturbances at night.

In Progress in Brain Research states that short naps of about 5-15 minutes are beneficial for cognitive function. 

The benefits of napping can also be useful for improving memory, learning abilities, alertness, and a better mood.

How to maintain sleep quality 

In fact, there is no better sleep pattern. It all depends on each individual. Everyone can determine the best sleep pattern according to each.

The most important thing is to maintain the quality of sleep. Adequate sleep 6-8 hours a day and quality can support optimal overall health.

Because lack of sleep is often associated with an increased risk of various health problems. Some of the consequences of lack of sleep that you can feel, such as:

  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and stroke
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Depression

There are several ways to improve sleep quality that you can do, including:

  • Regular exercise
  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet
  • Avoid sweet, fatty, and processed foods
  • Avoid spicy food
  • Avoid caffeine before bed
  • Do not use gadgets at least 30 minutes before going to bed, including cell phones, TV, or other electronic devices
  • Create a dark, quiet, clean, and comfortable bedroom atmosphere
  • Listening to relaxing music before bed or using aromatherapy can help relax you so that you sleep better

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