Frequent Shortness of Breath? This Could Be The Cause

Shortness of breath can occur suddenly and can be caused by a variety of things, ranging from mild to severe. Although not always dangerous and can sometimes go away on its own, shortness of breath should not be taken lightly, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as high fever.

Shortness of breath is a condition characterized by difficulty breathing or the sensation of not getting enough air intake. Shortness of breath can make the sufferer feel uncomfortable and anxious

In order for proper handling to be done, it is important to first identify the various things that can cause shortness of breath.

Various Causes of Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath can be caused by a variety of things, such as exercising too hard or being in an area with a certain height. However, if shortness of breath is caused by a health disorder, here are some conditions that can cause it:

1. Pilek
2. Allergies
3. Asthma
4. Anemia
5. Obesity
6. Pregnancy
7. Sinusitis
8. Tuberculosis
9. Low blood pressure
10. Broken ribs
11. Carbon monoxide poisoning, or inhaling too much helium gas
12. Pneumonia or wet lungs, or bronchopneumonia
13. Pneumothorax
14. Lung cancer
15. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PPOK)
16. Disorders of the heart, such as heart failure, heart attack, or cardiac arrhythmias

Of the various conditions mentioned above, the most common cause that often triggers shortness of breath is asthma. Shortness of breath caused by asthma usually lasts a long time or is known by the term chronic.

Shortness of breath is also often experienced by people with ulcers. In certain conditions, shortness of breath needs to be avoided because it can be one of the symptoms of a heart attack.

Finding Out The Causes Of Shortness Of Breath

To find out the cause of shortness of breath, you should consult a doctor to get an examination. Here are some types of tests to find out the exact cause of shortness of breath:

Blood test

Blood tests can be performed to detect possible shortness of breath caused by infections, either viruses, bacteria, or fungi. In addition, allergy testing using blood samples can also help doctors determine the cause of shortness of breath.

As mentioned above, the most common cause of shortness of breath is asthma, but the biggest trigger of asthma is allergies.

Spirometry tests

A spirometry breath test is done to find out how much air you can exhale and how fast you exhale it. This test will be very helpful to diagnose congestion due to asthma.

Imaging tests

Imaging tests, such as X-rays and CT scans are performed to determine the condition of the lungs, heart, and bones. Thus, the doctor can detect if there is a disorder in these organs.

PCR examination

Currently, examination by PCR method is also recommended, especially if the shortness of breath you are experiencing is suspected to be a symptom of COVID-19 infection.

Knowing the exact cause of the appearance of shortness of breath is an important thing to do, because the results will be a guide for doctors to determine the appropriate and effective treatment.

How to Overcome Shortness of Breath

Treatment of shortness of breath generally depends on the cause. Here are some treatments that can be done to relieve shortness of breath:

1. Avoid sources of allergies

If you have shortness of breath due to asthma or allergies, all you need to do is avoid allergens or allergy-triggering elements, such as dust, cigarette smoke, air pollution, pet dander, or pollen.

In addition, as much as possible keep the house clean to be free of dust, lice, or mites to prevent the recurrence of allergy symptoms.

2. Giving medicines

Medications, such as decongestants and antihistamines, can also be used to treat complaints of shortness of breath due to allergies. If the complaint does not improve, the doctor may recommend treatment using corticosteroids in the form of inhalation.

Inhalers can also be given to patients with sinusitis. As for asthma sufferers, drugs can be given by inhalation or drinking.

The purpose of medication is to relieve or prevent airway obstruction and excessive mucus production. If you use an inhaler, always make sure the supply is adequate and the device is working properly if ever needed during an asthma attack.

3. Live a healthy lifestyle

Following a healthy lifestyle can also help you overcome shortness of breath, such as exercising regularly and quitting smoking. Quitting smoking is known to smooth out the airways.

In addition, by quitting smoking, you can reduce your risk of serious diseases, such as heart disease, lung disease, and cancer. Dieting or exercising is also known to relieve shortness of breath, especially in conditions of shortness of breath due to obesity.

To avoid shortness of breath when in a high place, avoid doing strenuous activities when in a place with an altitude of more than 1500 meters.

For those of you who experience shortness of breath due to a serious illness, direct treatment and care by a doctor and the consumption of certain medications is necessary. Always consult your doctor about what treatment is right for your condition.

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