Foreign Body In Esophagus Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Foreign Body In Esophagus Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Foreign Body In Esophagus Definition

A foreign body in the esophagus or esophagus is a sharp or blunt object that is stuck and pinched in the esophagus. The object can be ingested food either intentionally or accidentally swallowed.

The esophagus is the part of the digestive system that connects the mouth to the stomach. This condition can occur at any age. However, this incident is more common in children 6 months to 6 years because the swallowing process is not yet good.

If the ingested foreign body does not cause complete obstruction, it is usually not considered an emergency. However, if a foreign object causes complete obstruction, such as choking on food that is solid and not yet mashed, then this is an emergency that requires immediate treatment.

Foreign Body In Esophagus Diagnosis

Determination of the diagnosis of foreign bodies in the esophagus is done through a series of medical interviews and physical examinations. For cases that occur in children, the doctor will ask the possibility of parents having seen their children put objects in their mouths.

As for cases that occur in adults, usually the doctor will ask for a history of using dentures. Because, sometimes without realizing it, dentures can come off and be swallowed.

During a physical examination, the doctor can check several things. Among others:

  • Stiffness and local pain around the neck
  • Out of breath
  • There is a tear
  • Sounds such as snoring or the sound of an object vibrating

Foreign Body In Esophagus Symptom

Symptoms that may arise in the case of a foreign body in the esophagus depend on several things. Among other things, the size, shape, type of foreign object, and the location of the stuck.

The signs that are usually felt are:

  • Pain in the neck area
  • Pain occurs in the back
  • Feeling like suffocating
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), varies depending on the size and shape of the foreign body
  • Out of breath
  • Snore

Foreign Body In Esophagus Reason

Causes of foreign bodies in the esophagus can be caused by many things. Causes in children include:

  • Disorders of the shape and function of the esophagus due to birth
  • The graham teeth have not yet grown to chew properly, so the food is less soft to swallow
  • Coordination of the swallowing process and the muscles of the esophagus are not perfect in the age group 6 months to 1 year
  • Mental retardation
  • Developmental disorders and other neurological disorders
  • The habit of putting foreign objects in the mouth

While the causes in adults include:

  • Improper installation of dentures
  • Loss of tactile sensation from the palate (palate)
  • The presence of esophageal diseases that cause symptoms of chronic difficulty swallowing, namely reflux esophagitis, achalasia (impaired ability to swallow), carcinoma (cancer)
  • Wrong way of chewing
  • Drunk
  • Intoxication (poisoning)

Foreign Body In Esophagus Treatment

Treatment of foreign bodies in the esophagus can be done in the form of actions to remove the object and prevent worse complications.

The procedure for removing the foreign body can be an esophagoscopy using an appropriate clamp. A repeat esophagoscopy was then performed to assess for pre-existing esophageal abnormalities.

For sharp foreign bodies that cannot be removed by esophagoscopy, surgery will usually be performed according to the location of the foreign body. If a small hole is suspected, then a nasogastric tube (nose to stomach) is installed so that the sufferer does not swallow.

Sharp foreign bodies that have entered the stomach can cause an esophageal tear. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate as well as possible to see if there is an early injury.

If the location of the foreign body persists for 2×24 hours, the foreign body must be removed surgically.

Foreign Body In Esophagus Prevention

To prevent the occurrence of foreign bodies in the esophagus, there are several things you can do. Among others are:

    • Keep an eye on small objects around your child
    • Giving children food according to their age
    • Don’t use dentures while sleeping
    • Using dentures according to the size of the mouth
    • Avoid the habit of ‘holding’ objects with your mouth
    • Be careful in consuming fish, especially small prickly ones
    • Avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages

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