Even though it is poisonous, it turns out that puffer fish can be consumed

One type of fish that is actually deadly is the pufferfish. Although it is the second deadliest animal, fish with another name fugu is often served in Japanese restaurants. So, why is this fish dangerous to health?

Why are pufferfish deadly?

Eating pufferfish can threaten human life because of its toxic content, namely tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX). Both of these toxins attack the central nervous system,

Citing the book Encyclopedia of Toxicology (2014), these two toxins will bind to sodium channels in nerves and muscles. This will interfere with the signal to the nerves.

This nerve disorder makes the muscles weaken. Not only muscles in the limbs, muscles in other organs also have problems.

Furthermore, eating pufferfish can pose a life-threatening hazard.

Although puffer fish is poisonous, there are special processing methods that make it safe for consumption.

The degree of pufferfish poisoning

Before knowing the safe processing of pufferfish, you need to understand the signs of pufferfish poisoning.

This poisonous fugu fish does not immediately cause paralysis to death. There are several phases that will be experienced by the body.

This phase will be divided into several degrees of severity. The higher the level of poison, the higher the degree of poisoning.

Symptoms of fugu fish poisoning can appear within 20 minutes to 2 hours after consuming it.

Here are some degrees of pufferfish poisoning.

1. Degree 1

Symptoms that appear are as follows.

1. Numbness, tingling, stabbing pain, and a burning sensation in the mouth and lips, then radiating to the hands and feet.
2. Symptoms of digestive problems.

2. Degree 2

At degree 2, you will experience the following conditions after consuming fugul fish.

1. Numbness of the face and other areas of the body.
2. There are early signs of paralysis.
3. Disturbed body movement.
4. Difficulty speaking and sounding slurred, but body reflexes are still normal.

3. Degree 3

These are some of the symptoms of fugu poisoning at degree 3.

1. The muscles are getting weaker and unable to contract for no apparent reason.
2. Respiratory failure.
3. Unable to speak due to laryngeal nerve disorders.
4. The pupils of the eyes are dilated and the patient remains conscious.

4. Degree 4

This condition is the most severe mackerel poisoning. These are the symptoms to watch out for.

1. Severe respiratory failure.
2. Lack of oxygen.
3. Low blood pressure.
4. A low resting heart rate ( bradycardia ).
5. Irregular heartbeat.
6. Loss of consciousness to death.

First Aid Pufferfish Poisoning

1. Keep pufferfish away from victims.
2. Prevent others from eating fish to prevent other victims.
2. Do not make the victim vomit.
3. Give supplemental oxygen.
4. Call the ambulance number and take the patient to the hospital immediately.

How to process puffer fish?

Both types of fugu poison are found in the liver, intestines, skin, and reproductive glands.

Therefore, the only way to get rid of the poison is to remove the parts carefully.

The process of removing the poison can only be carried out by a reliable cook who has passed various types of tests.

In addition, cooks must have a license to process this poisonous pufferfish so that it can only be enjoyed in specialized Japanese restaurants.

This means that you can’t just buy fugu fish and cook it at home.

If you still insist on processing it at home, the heating process will not remove the two deadly toxins.

What’s more, if you store it in the freezer and thaw it before processing, the toxins actually move into the flesh of the fish.

What are the contents and benefits of pufferfish?

If it has been processed and ready to be consumed safely, it turns out that eating pufferfish has good benefits for the health of the body.

Of course, these benefits are obtained from the nutritional content. Anything?

1. Protein

Pufferfish muscle is an abundant source of protein. Protein intake is certainly important so that the body can work optimally.

So, why does the body need protein intake? This is the reason.

1. Builds bones, muscles, skin and hair.
2. Repair broken network.
3. Maintain the production of digestive enzymes to help the process of digestion of food intake.
4. Regulate hormone performance.
5. Provides a supply of hemoglobin in red blood cells in order to carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
6. Reduces hunger and increases the sensation of fullness.

2. Leucine

Pufferfish are also rich in leucine, which is a type of amino acid. Apparently, amino acids are substances that make up the formation of proteins.

So, there are several functions that resemble protein, such as building and repairing muscle.

Adequate intake of leucine also helps reduce the risk of muscle wasting in the elderly. Not only that, leucine also helps control blood sugar levels.

In this case, leucine works by helping to absorb glucose into muscle cells and making the body respond to insulin better.

3. Fatty acids

The most common fatty acid found in fugu is butyric acid. In fact, butyric acid is normally produced by the body after digesting fiber and resistant starch.

Butyric acid provides energy for cells in the large intestine.

Research published in Neuroscience Letters (2017) even states that this butyric acid can provide energy for the large intestine up to 70% of the total energy requirement.

If there is sufficient energy, the large intestine can work optimally, such as:

1. absorb water and electrolyte minerals,
2. produce and absorb vitamins, and
3. collect and excrete feces.

Fugu fish are basically fish that are harmful to humans. Its venom can cause organ failure and even death.

This fish can only be consumed if it is processed properly. Not haphazardly, the only person who can cook it is a cook with a special certification.

So, you can’t do the cooking process yourself at home so you can only enjoy it at a special Japanese restaurant.

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