Eight Health Benefits of Red Bananas (Red Dacca)

Most people are familiar with yellow-skinned bananas. Apparently, there are types of bananas that have red skin and are even said to have better nutritional content than regular bananas. So what are the benefits of red bananas for health?

The nutritional content of red bananas

Red skin bananas have the Latin name Musa acuminata. The banana fruit, which is also called Red Dacca, originates from Southeast Asia.

Ripe red skin bananas are characterized by soft flesh and a sweet, raspberry-like taste.

Red bananas are important nutrients that benefit the immune system, heart health, and digestion.

The following is the content of nutrients that can be found in 100 grams of red bananas.

1. Calories: 90 kcal.
2. Carbs: 21 grams (g).
3. Protein: 1.3 g.
4. Fat: 0.3 g.
5. Fiber: 3 g.
6. Potassium: 423 milligrams (mg).
7. Vitamin B6: 0.49 mg.
8. Vitamin C: 8 mg.
9. Magnesium: 56 mg.

The benefits of red bananas

Below are some of the benefits of red-skinned bananas for your health.

1. Control blood pressure

Red bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium is an important mineral for the heart because of its role in regulating blood pressure.

Several studies have shown that a rich intake of potassium can help control blood pressure.

A review from the journal BMJ (2013) that reviewed 22 previous studies, found that high potassium intake lowered systolic blood pressure (peak blood pressure) by 7 mm Hg.

This lowering effect is stronger in people who already have a history of high blood pressure (hypertension).

2. Prevent hypertension

Another important mineral in red bananas which is beneficial for blood pressure is magnesium.

If potassium has the property of controlling blood pressure, the magnesium content of red bananas helps prevent hypertension.

A review in Nutrition journal (2017) on 10 previous studies noted that increasing magnesium intake by 100 mg per day can reduce the risk of hypertension by up to 5 percent.

Well, the consumption of foods high in magnesium and potassium can be more effective in controlling blood pressure.

3. Support eye health

Red bananas contain carotenoids, a type of phytonutrient (a natural plant compound) in the form of a pigment that makes the skin of the fruit reddish.

Lutein and beta-carotene are two carotenoids in red bananas that have the potential to support eye health.

Beta-carotene will be converted into vitamin A in the body which is useful for maintaining eye health.

Lutein can help prevent macular degeneration due to aging. This is an incurable eye disease and a leading cause of blindness.

4. Rich in antioxidants

Like most other fruits and vegetables, red bananas contain powerful antioxidants.

Red Dacca even provides a higher amount of antioxidants than yellow skin bananas.

Antioxidants are compounds that prevent cell damage caused by free radical molecules.

Excessive free radicals in your body can cause an imbalance known as oxidative stress, a cause of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

The main antioxidant compounds in red bananas include:

1. carotenoid,
2. anthocyanin,
3. vitamin C, and
4. dopamine.

One review in Critical reviews in food science and nutrition (2019) found intake of foods containing anthocyanins reduced the risk of coronary heart disease by 9 percent.

5. Supports the immune system

Red bananas are rich in vitamins C and B6. These nutrients are important for supporting a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C boosts immunity by strengthening your immune system cells.

A deficiency of vitamin C can increase the risk of infection.

Vitamin B6 in red bananas also plays an important role in supporting the body’s immune system.

A deficiency in vitamin B6 can reduce the body’s production of white blood cells and immune antibodies, both of which work to fight infection.

6. Rich in prebiotics

Prebiotics are a type of fiber that feed the beneficial gut bacteria in the digestive system.

Like yellow bananas, red bananas are a good source of prebiotics. Fructooligosaccharides are the main type of prebiotic fiber in red bananas.

The prebiotics in red bananas have the potential to reduce bloating, increase the microbiota of good gut bacteria, and reduce constipation

7. High fiber

One small red banana provides 3 grams of fiber or 8% percent of the daily fiber requirement in adults according to the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (RDA).

Fiber benefits the digestive system by helping to have regular bowel movements, reducing inflammation in the gut, and stimulating the growth of good gut bacteria.

In addition, a high-fiber diet can reduce the risk of inflammatory bowel disease.

8. Healthy diet snacks

In addition to its health benefits, red bananas are also delicious, so they can be used as a healthy diet snack.

Red bananas are also suitable as a fruit choice for those of you who are losing weight.

Coupled with their high fiber content, eating bananas makes you full longer so that it controls your appetite.

Variants of bananas are not only yellow or green-skinned, red bananas are also quite popular in Southeast Asia.

The nutritional content of this type of banana is not inferior to the bananas that we usually consume daily.

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