Do you know these developmental milestones that happen before your child turns 3?

Know about the normal developmental milestones in your child before the age of three.

Your 3-year-old is now a curious child who wants to know everything. There is a constant need to take care of the child and give him some freedom. After he turns three and a half years old, this time will be full of exciting moments as his imagination begins to take flight and he learns to become more independent. Some of the developmental milestones observed in 3-year-old children are as follows.

Social development in children between 31 and 36 months

Remember that every child is different and it may take some time for them to socialize and make friends. Such skills improve with time and as the child learns to communicate better, he or she starts engaging in two types of communication (speaking and listening) within their group.

By this time, children up to 2 years of age have mastered these skills, which include:

  • use words like ‘thank you’, and ‘please’ and greet other people
  • represent love and affection
  • play comfortably with other children
  • take an interest in cooperative games
  • Likes to play by imitating another person or thing
  • Emerging skills that are seen in at least half of the children in this age group include the following:
  • Imitating other adults, such as shopping in the grocery store, imagining a friend is talking to them
  • feeling comfortable around strangers
  • helping other children do things
  • Playing with other children even if he can’t play very cooperatively
  • Develop social skills such as waiting for your turn while playing, sharing, using words to resolve conflicts

Emotional skills for children between 31 and 36 months

By the age of 3, it is important to understand the importance of not hurting someone else’s feelings while developing healthy expression of emotions and empathy for others. It involves personality development. Recognition of one’s own personality begins when the child begins to recognize in the mirror and point to parts of his or her own body.

Specific skills:

  • Do not like changes in routine
  • Is able to recognize and understand other children’s emotions
  • Learns to become more comfortable with new people
  • Likes to be independent but new experiences make them curious and a little nervous
  • seek approval and praise

Emerging skills include:

  • expresses feelings when asked
  • talk about other people’s feelings
  • gets excited about new activities
  • stomps feet when frustrated or angry

Milestones of intellectual and motor (hands and legs and their use) development for children between 31 and 36 months:

Motor development is progressing rapidly at this age as the child starts understanding sports items like balls, bats, etc., and their uses.

Specific skills include:

  • Can tell the difference in size and shape
  • dramatizes thoughts
  • can count up to three objects
  • Matching accounts and different types of goods can be specified elsewhere
  • Prefer to participate in group activities
  • Can climb stairs, walk on a balance beam, pedal a tricycle
  • Can hold a pencil in writing position
  • can cut paper with scissors
  • turning the pages of a book

Emerging Skills:

  • Use of words related to time (eg: sleeping time, eating time)
  • Can differentiate objects based on shape
  • Can throw the ball overarm with accuracy
  • Enjoys participating in circle games with many people
  • They draw crooked lines and say that this is their name
  • like to participate in finger songs
  • Understands position and direction and responds to simple requests
  • Can use up to 1000 words while speaking

The 3-year-old baby development milestones chart shows a wide range of skills that the child learns and acquires advanced skills. You can keep track of your baby’s growth by using growth charts.

Disclaimer: The information provided in the article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If in any doubt, always consult your doctor.

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