Diet to start exercising

Surely starting to exercise is a purpose that you had marked for a long time. If you have finally decided to take the big step, you should know that, before starting to exercise, you have to take a look at your eating habits since it is likely that your body needs to do some diet before starting to play sports. Food is very important when exercising since you will surely have to add some foods and habits that will keep you with enough energy to do sports. In this article, we explain a diet to start exercising and we give you a series of tips to lead a healthy life.

Table Of Content

1. 6 recommendations for dieting before exercising
2. Diet to start exercising
3. Common mistakes to avoid on a diet to start doing sports

6 recommendations for dieting before exercising

Before starting a diet it is very important to change or acquire habits to lead a healthy life. In this section, we give you the following recommendations so that, on the one hand, the diet to start playing sports costs you less effort, and on the other, you lead a healthier life: Follow FoodFitness&Fun To Know the Right Gap Between Meal & Exercise | What to Eat before Workout | Best Pre Workout food | Weight Loss

  1. It is essential that you change some things on your shopping list: a diet is easier when you make a purchase where there are fresh and healthy foods and not processed and industrial products. Include in your shopping list fruits, vegetables, meat such as chicken and fish.
  2. To start eating well, it would be very useful to learn how to cook: we will avoid pre-cooked foods, we will save calories and the food will be tastier.
  3. Drink plenty of water and avoid carbonated soft drinks and/or alcohol: these drinks contain too many calories while water is hydrating, does not make you fat and has satiating properties.
  4. Eat fruits and vegetables every day as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  5. Avoid salt and sugar: it is important to considerably reduce the amounts since sugar promotes obesity and salt to diseases such as hypertension.
  6. Include fiber in the diet: fiber helps us regulate our intestinal transit and has satiating properties.

Feeding yourself in this way you will be able to eat well without being hungry and it will be easier for you to start practicing some exercise or some sport.

Diet to start exercising - 6 recommendations to diet before exercising

Diet to start exercising

The diet that we show below is to start doing sports, not to lose weight. In this diet, you will have to eat between 5 and 6 meals a day that provides a total of between 2,000 and 2,500 calories. Remember that when you start exercising with this diet you should drink something before and after the sport. Here is an example of how you can make a diet to start doing sports :

  • Breakfast: this meal has to be made up of foods that provide us with essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and protein, and also keep us energized during the day.
  • Lunch: in this meal, we will take the opportunity to include some fruit that gives us minerals and vitamins and nuts, which give us a lot of energy.
  • Food: it will always be made up of foods rich in protein such as meat and fish. We will also accompany the main course with a salad since vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals and have depurative and satiating properties.
  • Snack: here we will include some fruit, some infusions and foods that keep us satiated so as not to be tempted to snack.
  • Dinner: as with lunch, dinner will be made up of protein foods such as meat and fish and foods rich in vitamins such as vegetables.

If you do not skip any of the meals, you will see that you do not need to snack on anything out of place between one and the other, since having lunch and a snack is one of the best ways to eat between meals in a healthy way.

Sample menu to start exercising

Day 1

  • Breakfast: A cup of semi-skimmed milk with coffee and wholemeal toast with olive oil and Serrano ham.
  • Lunch: a piece of fruit accompanied by a handful of almonds.
  • Lunch: a salad with various vegetables and tuna and a plate of pasta with shrimp.
  • Snack: a piece of fruit like pineapple or strawberries.
  • Dinner: Loin and grilled vegetables.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: an infusion, a fruit and yogurt without sugar with a spoonful of oatmeal.
  • Lunch: two whole-grain rolls with york ham.
  • Lunch: lentils with rice, French omelette with two egg whites and one yolk, and white asparagus.
  • Snack: a piece of fruit and a yogurt without sugar.
  • Dinner: baked fish with vegetables (roasted or also baked).

Day 3

  • Breakfast: a cup of semi-skimmed milk with coffee, a piece of fruit and some whole-grain crackers.
  • Lunch: 2 whole-grain rolls with light cheese.
  • Food: Salad with pasta, tuna and hard or boiled egg.
  • Snack: a piece of fruit, an infusion and two slices of ham.
  • Dinner: Grilled loin with roasted peppers.
Diet to start exercising - Diet to start exercising

Common mistakes to avoid on a diet to start doing sports

It is normal that when we start a diet we make some mistakes and have doubts that make it difficult for us to learn to eat well or complicate things. For this reason, here we comment on some of the most frequent errors in these cases so that you can avoid them more easily:

  1. Forget miracle diets because with them you may lose a lot of weight but you will not learn to have good habits for a healthy life.
  2. Do not skip meals as this will only destabilize your sugar levels and, consequently, have little control over your appetite.
  3. Do not think about dieting to lose weight but to lead a healthier life.
  4. Overeating will not only increase your weight but also your chance of heart disease and increase your cholesterol level.
  5. Do not go on a strict diet or consume fewer calories than you need as this will only slow down your metabolism.
  6. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as you will perform better and eliminate toxins and unnecessary remains from the body.
  7. Do not inflate yourself to eat “light” foods since some contain more sugar to compensate for the reduction in fat.
  8. Do not set yourself impossible goals since the only thing you will achieve is giving up before time.

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