Complete List of Shortcut Keys in Windows 10

Complete List of Shortcut Keys in Windows 10

Shortcuts are combinations of keyboard keys that can be pressed together to perform certain functions on the computer. This kind of shortcut is often faster than opening a menu with the mouse that requires several clicks.

Windows 10 as one of the most popular operating systems also supports various shortcuts, ranging from general ones such as copy-paste ( copy-paste ) to shortcuts in the command prompt and shortcuts that can only be run with the Windows key on the keyboard.

The following is a complete list of shortcuts that can be useful to simplify and speed up daily computer operations.

There are at least 25 Important shortcuts

There are at least 25 important shortcuts that users need to remember because they run basic functions that are often used, both in Windows and other applications ranging from word processors to photo editing tools.

Keyboard Shortcuts Action
Ctrl + A Select all content or text
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy the selected item to the clipboard
Ctrl + X Cut the selected item to the clipboard
Ctrl + V Paste content from clipboard
Ctrl + Z Undo action ( Undo )
Ctrl + Y Repeat an action ( Redo )
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder on the desktop or File Explorer
Alt + F4 Closes the active window. If there is no active window, then the shutdown menu will appear.
Ctrl + D (Del) Delete the selected item to the Recycle Bin folder
Shift + Delete Delete the selected item permanently, without being put in the Recycle Bin folder
F2 Rename the selected item
ESC Close the current task window
Alt + Tab Switch between open application windows
PrtScn Take a screenshot ( screenshot ) and save it on the clipboard
Windows key + I Open the Settings app ( settings )
Windows key + E Open File Explorer
Windows key + A Open Action Center
Windows key + D Show and hide desktop
Windows key + L Lock the computer
Windows key + V Open clipboard holder
Windows key + period (.) or semicolon (;) Open emoji panel
Windows key + PrtScn Do a full screen screenshot, the result is saved in the “Screenshot” folder
Windows key + Shift + S Take partial screenshots with the Snip & Sketch tool
Windows key + Left Makes the window shift to the left ( split screen mode )
Windows key + Right Makes the window shift to the right (split screen mode )

Desktop shortcuts For Window 10

Windows 10 users can use these keyboard shortcut keys to open, close, and complete certain tasks more quickly across the desktop interface, including the Start menu, taskbar, settings, and more.

Keyboard Shortcuts Action
Windows key (or Ctrl + Esc) Open the Start menu
Ctrl + arrow keys Resize Start menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager
Ctrl + Shift Switch keyboard layout
Alt + F4 Close active window
Ctrl + F5 (or Ctrl + R) Refresh ( refresh ) the current window
Ctrl + Alt + Tab View open apps
Ctrl + Arrow keys (to select) + Space key Select multiple items on desktop or File Explorer
Alt + Underlined letter Running commands for underlined letters in apps
Alt + Tab Switch between open applications
Alt + Left arrow key Go back (back)
Alt + Right arrow key Go forward
Alt + Page Up Move one screen up
Alt + Page down Move one screen down
Alt + Esc switch between open windows in the order in which they were first opened
Alt + Space Key Open context menu for the active window
Alt + F8 Shows the password that was typed at the login
Shift + Click the application button Open the app from the taskbar
Ctrl + Shift + Click application Run the app as administrator from the  taskbar
Shift + Right click the app Show the window menu for apps from  taskbar
Ctrl + Click the application group Cycle through windows in groups from the taskbar
Shift + Right-click the application group Opens group windows from the taskbar, in the order they were opened first
Ctrl + Left arrow key Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Right arrow key Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + Up arrow key Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl + Down arrow key Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys Select block of text
Ctrl + Space Enable or disable China IME
Shift + F10 Open the context menu for the selected item
F10 Activate the app menu bar
Shift + Arrow keys Select multiple items
Windows key + X Open the Quick Link menu
Windows key + Number (0-9) Open apps on the taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + T Selecting the application window you want to open via the taskbar
Windows key + Alt + Number keys (0-9) Open the “history” of the apps on the taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + D Show and hide desktop
Windows key + M Minimize all windows
Windows key + Shift + M Restore minimized windows on the desktop
Windows key + Home Minimize or redisplay all minimized windows, except the currently active desktop window
Windows key + Shift + Up arrow key Stretches the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen
Windows key + Shift + Down arrow key Maximize or minimize the active desktop window vertically while maintaining width
Windows key + Shift + Left arrow key Move the active window to the monitor on the left
Windows key + Shift + Right arrow key Move the active window to the monitor on the right
Windows key + Left arrow key Split-screen. Move an app or window to the left
Windows key + Right arrow key Split-screen. Move an application or window to the right
Windows key + S (or Q) Open search ( search )
Windows key + Alt + D Open date and time in taskbar
Windows key + Tab Open task view and timeline
Windows key + Ctrl + D Create a new virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + F4 Close active virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow key Switch to the virtual desktop on the right
Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow key Switch to the virtual desktop on the left
Windows key + P Go to “Project” settings, when PC is connected with projector or other wireless display
Windows key + A Open Action Center
Windows key + I Open Settings
Backspace Return to homepage in settings

File Explorer Shortcuts In Windows 10

In Windows 10, File Explorer includes many keyboard shortcuts to help users complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. Here’s a list of the most useful shortcut keys for File Explorer.

Keyboard Shortcuts Action
Windows key + E Open File Explorer
Alt + D Select address bar
Ctrl + E (or F) Select the search box ( search box )
Ctrl + N Open a new window
Ctrl + W Close active window
Ctrl + F (or F3) Start search
Ctrl + scroll key Change view of files and folders
Ctrl + Shift + E Expand all the folders that are in a folder in the navigation pane of the file explorer
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder on the desktop or File Explorer
Ctrl + L Focus on the address bar
Ctrl + Shift + Number keys (1-8) Resize folder
Alt + P Show preview pane
Alt + Enter Open the Properties setting for the selected item
Alt + Right arrow key See next folder
Alt + Left arrow key (or Backspace) View the previous folder
Alt + Up arrow key Back to start folder
F11 Switch full-screen mode ( full screen ) in the active window
F5 Refresh File Explorer window
F2 Rename the selected item
F4 Switch focus to address bar
F5 Refresh  current File Explorer view
F6 Switch through the elements on the screen
Home Scroll the screen to the top of the window
End Scroll down the window

Command Prompt  Shortcuts in Windows 10

Command Prompt or CMD is still provided in Windows 10 to run instructions on a computer with text-based commands. Here’s a list of shortcut keys that can be used in Command Prompt.

Keyboard shortcuts Action
Ctrl + A Select all content in prompt
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy selected item to the clipboard
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste content from the clipboard
Ctrl + M Starting sign mode
Ctrl + Up arrow key Move the screen up one line
Ctrl + Down arrow key Move the screen down one line
Ctrl + F Open search for Command Prompt
Left or Right arrow key Moves the cursor left or right in the current line
Up or down button Moves the cursor up or down in the current line
Page up Move up the page several lines at a time.
Page down Move down the page several lines at a time.
Ctrl + Home Scroll the screen to the top of the prompt
Ctrl + End Scroll Scroll down the screen prompt

Windows 10 Key  Shortcuts

The Windows Key is a key with the Windows logo, which is usually found on the bottom row of the keyboard. There are a number of shortcuts that can be executed in combination with this particular key.

Keyboard Shortcuts Action
Windows key Show and hide the Start menu
Windows key + A Open Action Center
Windows key + S ( or Q) Open the search panel
Windows key + D Show and hide the active window on the desktop
Windows key + L Lock the computer
Windows key + M Minimize all windows
Windows key + B Focus on the notification area on the taskbar
Windows key + C Open the Cortana app
Windows key + F Open the Feedback Hub app
Windows key + G Opening the Game Bar app
Windows key + Y Switching input between desktop and Mixed Reality
Windows key + O Device orientation lock
Windows key + T Selecting the application window you want to open via the taskbar
Windows key + Z Switch input between desktop experience and Windows Mixed Reality
Windows key + J Set focus on tips for Windows 10 when available
Windows key + H Unlock the dictation feature with speech recognition
Windows key + E Open File Explorer
Windows key + I Open Settings
Windows key + R Open Run Command
Windows key + K Open connect settings, to connect with wireless audio or display devices
Windows key + X Open QuickLink
Windows key + V Open clipboard holder
Windows key + W Open clipboard holder
Windows key + U Open “ease of access” in Settings
Windows key + P Go to “Project” settings, when PC is connected with the projector or other wireless display
Windows key + Ctrl + Enter Open Narrator Keyboard
Windows key + Plus (+) Zoom in using a magnifier (magnifying glass)
Windows key + Minus (-) Zoom out using a magnifier
Windows key + Esc Exit the magnifier
Windows key + Forward-slash (/) Start IME conversion
Windows key + Comma (,) Peek at the desktop for a while
Windows key + Up arrow key Maximize application window
Windows key + Down arrow key Minimize app window
Windows key + Home Minimize or redisplay all minimized windows, except the currently active desktop window
Windows key + Shift + M Restore minimized windows on the desktop
Windows key + Shift + Up arrow key Stretches the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen
Windows key + Shift + Down arrow key Maximize or minimize the active desktop window vertically while maintaining width
Windows key + Shift + Left arrow key Move the active window to the monitor on the left
Windows key + Shift + Right arrow key Move the active window to the monitor on the right
Windows key + Left arrow key Split-screen. Move an app or window to the left
Windows key + Right arrow key Split-screen. Move an application or window to the right
Windows key + Number keys (0-9) Open apps on the taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + Shift +Number keys (0-9) Open other apps on the taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + Ctrl +Number keys (0-9) Switch to the application’s last active window on the  taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + Alt +Number keys (0-9) Open the “history” of the apps on the taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + Ctrl + Shift +Number keys (0-9) Open another instance as an application administrator on the  taskbar in numerical order
Windows key + Ctrl + Space key Changing the previously selected input option
Windows key + Space Key Change keyboard layout and input language
Windows key + Tab Open task view and timeline
Windows key + Ctrl + D Create virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + F4 Close active virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow key Switch to the virtual desktop on the right
Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow key Switch to the virtual desktop on the left
Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + B Wake the device when the screen is black or blank ( black screen )
Windows key + PrtScn Do a full-screen screenshot, the result is saved in the “Screenshot” folder
Windows key + Shift + S Screenshot a portion of the screen with the Snip & Sketch tool
Windows key + Shift + V Open notification
Windows key + Ctrl + F Go to device search in a domain network
Windows key + Ctrl + Q Open Quick Assist
Windows key + Alt + D Open date and time in taskbar
Windows key + period (.) or semicolon (;) Open emoji panel
Windows key + Pause Display the System Properties dialog box

It turns out that there are many shortcuts that can be used in Windows 10. Which shortcuts are your mainstay?

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