Common Types of Eye Diseases and How to Prevent Them

The eye is an important sense for the body. Almost all of our activities involve eye coordination and other senses. Therefore, maintaining eye health is very important. Unfortunately, there are some common eye diseases experienced by various people.

Table of Content

1. Common and preventable eye diseases
2. 3. Glaucoma

The eye is an important sense for the body. Almost all of our activities involve eye coordination and other senses. Therefore, maintaining eye health is very important. Unfortunately, there are some common eye diseases experienced by various people.

Eye problems that are often experienced are very diverse in severity. Ranging from mild to severe and cause permanent blindness.

The good news is there are several ways you can do to prevent these types of eye diseases.

Common and preventable eye diseases

According To ContactLensKing Eye Diseases | 3 Common Eye Conditions

1. Dry eyes

This eye problem is quite often experienced by many people. Especially in those who work in front of a computer screen for more than 3 hours. When dry, your eyeballs will be more susceptible to bacterial infections.

Common symptoms of dry eye are:

1. Eyes sensitive to light
2. Itching
3. Blurred vision
4. Red eye
5. Feels like something is stuck in the eye
6. The eyes feel tired

As the name suggests, the cause of dry eyes is a lack of tears to moisten and moisten your eyeballs. Lack of tears can be caused by evaporation of tears which decreases tear production.

Evaporation of tears can occur when you are in an area with strong winds, hot air temperatures, or smoky surroundings.

Meanwhile, reduced tear production can be caused by health problems, age, side effects of drugs, and medical procedures.

How to prevent dry eyes

Preventing dry eyes is quite easy. Wear eye protection if you are in a windy and smoky area. Take time to wink and rest your eyes while you’re working on your computer, driving, and reading.

Using eye drops containing vitamin A has also been shown to relieve dry eye symptoms.

Another cause of dry eyes is, blepharitis – itching that occurs in the eyelids. This can be overcome with warm water compresses on the eyelids.

Basically, dry eye is not a dangerous condition. However, if left unchecked, it can increase the risk of developing eye disease.

2. Itchy eyes due to allergies

Itchy eyes due to allergies is a condition in which parts of your eyes experience symptoms of swelling and redness due to exposure to allergens such as pollen from flowers, wall fungus, to other substances that trigger allergies. This disorder usually occurs in both eyes.

Symptoms of itchy eyes due to allergies

1. Red eye
2. Swollen eyes
3. Itching
4. Burning sensation
5. The blood vessels in the whites of the eyes look wider and red

How to prevent itchy eyes due to allergies

An easy way to prevent eye problems on this one is to keep yourself away from substances that can trigger your eye allergies. Using eye drops can also reduce symptoms of itchy eyes due to allergies. In addition, using emedastine antihistamines after exposure to allergy-triggering substances can reduce the risk of developing these eye problems.

3. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease that occurs in the optic nerve. Damage to the optic nerve occurs due to high pressure in the eye. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause permanent blindness.

Glaucoma can also be caused by eye injuries, diabetes, and hereditary factors.

Symptoms of a sudden/acute glaucoma attack:

1. Red eye
2. Dizzy
3. Nauseous
4. Vomiting
5. Seeing circles around the light source
6. Blurred vision

Gejala glaucoma:

1. Tunnel vision: narrow field of view, characterized by frequent crashes when walking
2. blurred vision

How to prevent glaucoma

Unfortunately, glaucoma cannot be prevented. However, the good news is that more severe glaucoma symptoms can be reduced in several ways, such as regularly checking your eyes to the doctor, using eye protection when exercising, exercising regularly to reduce eye pressure. This must be considered, especially if you have diabetes problems.

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