Causes of Yellow Spots on the Eyes and How to Get Rid of Them

Yellow spots on the eyes are small (noncancerous) growths that can form on the conjunctiva (the thin layer that covers the white part of the eye), near the cornea. This yellow spot, known as a pinguecula, usually appears on the inner side of the eye close to the nose.

This condition is generally harmless, but may cause some discomfort. Some people may feel disturbed by their appearance because of the presence of yellow spots in the eyes. This condition can also interfere with comfort when using contact lenses.

How to remove yellow spots on the eyes does not always require a complicated procedure. In mild conditions, a pinguecula can even be treated with eye drops and eye ointment.

Table of Content

1. Causes of yellow spots on the eyes
2. Symptoms of yellow spots on the eyes
3. How to get rid of yellow spots on the eyes
4. If the yellow spots on the eyes are not treated

Causes of yellow spots on the eyes

Yellow spots on the eyes form when the tissue in the conjunctiva changes and creates small bumps. These lumps can contain protein, fat, calcium, or a combination of the three.

The cause of these changes in conjunctival tissue is not fully understood, but they are often associated with excessive exposure to sunlight, dust, and wind. Yellow spots on the eyes also tend to be more common with age.

Pinguecula are different from stye. A stye usually appears on the outer edge of the eyelid or is a lump on the inner eyelid (internal hordeolum) that is inflamed and looks like a boil or pimple.

Internal hordeolum can not be seen directly from the outside because it is located on the inner eyelid. A stye can also cause the eye to swell and feel more itchy and painful than a yellow spot or pinguecula.

Symptoms of yellow spots on the eyes

Pingueculae are usually yellow spots on the eyes and are more likely to be triangular bumps. These yellow spots generally grow around the cornea.

Here are a number of symptoms of yellow spots on the eyes that generally occur.

1. Feels like there is dirt in the eye, such as dust, sand, eyelashes, or other coarse particles
2. The eyes feel dry
3. The eyes feel itchy
4. The eyes appear red or inflamed.

Pinguecula are generally small, but there are also those that can increase in size, although very rarely. Yellow spots on enlarged eyes usually grow very slowly over a long period of time.

How to get rid of yellow spots on the eyes

How to remove yellow spots in the eyes can be adjusted according to the condition and severity. In mild or moderate conditions, yellow spots on the eyes may be treated with non-surgical treatments.

However, if the condition turns out to be more serious, the doctor may recommend surgery as a way to remove the yellow spots in the eyes.

1. Non-surgical treatment options

Most cases of yellow spots on the eyes are mild and require only non-surgical treatment. After a complete eye exam, your doctor may prescribe eye drops or topical ointments as a way to get rid of yellow spots in your eyes.

2. Surgical action

The doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove the pinguecula if the yellow spot on the eye is severe or severe. How to remove yellow spots in the eyes with surgery can be recommended if:

1. It is located close to the cornea so it can affect vision
2. Causes serious discomfort
3. Constantly experiencing severe inflammation even though eye drops or ointment have been given
4. Interfering with contact lens use, such as making them uncomfortable or making them ill-fitting
5. Affects eye aesthetics.

How to get rid of yellow spots in the eyes usually does not cause complications. However, it is not impossible that yellow spots on the eyes can grow back in the future.

After undergoing treatment, you must treat and take care of your eyes so that this problem does not grow back, for example wearing anti-ultraviolet glasses when you are exposed to the sun.

If the yellow spots on the eyes are not treated

Due to their benign nature, yellow spots on the eyes are generally harmless in the long run. However, untreated pinguecula can cause persistent discomfort.

In fact, if the position to cover the cornea, yellow spots on the eyes have the potential to interfere with your vision.

Given that the treatment of yellow spots in the eyes is usually not complicated, it is better for you to immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Thus, your eyes can immediately return to comfort without any distractions.

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