Cavities Definition, Diagnosis, Signs and symptoms, Reason, Treatment

Cavities Definition

Cavities are the destruction of hard tissue in the teeth, due to caries that cannot be prevented. Caries is formed due to bacteria that give rise to a black color.

Tooth decay that occurs can spread to the lower layer of enamel, namely dentin. Even if it is badly damaged, the hole can also penetrate the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber is a cavity containing nerves and blood vessels. If there is damage, it can cause the death of the tooth.

Cavities are the most common complaint found in the oral cavity. Cavities can affect anyone regardless of social status, whether children, adolescents, or adults. According to Smiles Dental Group, What is a CAVITY? How to prevent DENTAL DECAY!

Cavities Reason

The bacteria that cause cavities are Streptococcus mutans and LactobacillusIn addition, a poor diet, such as frequently consuming sweet, sour or fizzy foods or drinks without maintaining proper and regular oral hygiene will cause cavities in the teeth.

Not only that, cavities if left alone can cause other complaints. Starting from pain, infection and even tooth loss.

Cavities Symptoms

There are symptoms that indicate the presence of cavities, namely:

  • Pain when biting or chewing certain foods
  • Spontaneous pain even without stimulation
  • Teeth hurt when drinking cold water
  • Food is often stuck
  • There is bad breath
  • The surface of the teeth is black

Cavities Diagnosis

The diagnosis of cavities is established through interviews and clinical examinations. A dental examination was carried out using a mouth mirror, sonde and excavator.

The large hole can be directly observed with the eye. However, supporting examination in the form of X-rays is needed to see the depth of caries. In addition, by blowing air and tapping gently using dental instruments on the suspected surface, it can detect the early stages of cavities in the teeth.

Cavities Treatment

Treatment for cavities depends on the severity. There are several ways to treat it, namely:

  • Patches

If the tooth cavity is still small and not deep, it can be immediately filled with filling.

  • Root Canal Treatment

If the tooth cavity is large and deep – until it reaches the root canal, the dentist will perform root canal treatment first. The trick is to remove decaying nerve tissue and blood vessels.

When the root canal has been cleaned of rotting nerve tissue and blood vessels, the canal will then be filled with medication. After that the tooth will be filled. Or it can also be made a restoration or a crown on it.

  • Crown Making

If the tooth decay is severe enough to leave a small amount of crown, then the treatment can be done by making a dental crown.

  • Revocation

Revocation is the last step that can be taken. This is usually needed if the cavities are too severe so that other treatments cannot be done.

Cavities Prevention

To prevent your teeth from cavities easily, do the following:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  • Use the proper brushing technique.
  • Don’t forget to always clean between your teeth every day using dental floss. Avoid using toothpicks.
  • Consult your dentist for additional fluoride treatment.
  • Eat a nutritious and balanced diet.
  • Reduce the intake of snacks that contain high sugar.
  • Cut down on fizzy or acidic foods or drinks.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Regular visits to the doctor at least every six months.

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