Canker sores never heal? Beware of Signs of Gum Cancer

Canker sores and gum inflammation that does not go away can be symptoms of gum cancer. Let’s see the full explanation here.

Thrush and gum disease can indicate that oral health is not maintained. However, is it true that canker sores and gingivitis that do not improve can indicate gum cancer?

Canker sores are lesions or sores that can develop on the soft tissues of the mouth, palate, and gums.

Most canker sores are small with a diameter of less than 1 millimeter and have a white or yellowish color with a red border.

Usually, canker sores go away on their own. However, if canker sores do not go away for up to 14 days or even multiply, it is necessary to suspect a more serious condition.

Gum Cancer Triggers Canker sores that won’t heal?

Gum cancer is a type of oral cancer that starts when cells in the upper or lower gums grow out of control and form tumors. This cancer is often mistaken for gingivitis.

Most gum cancers usually form along the gum line. This type of oral cancer is also known as squamous cell carcinoma.

This condition is characterized by irregular growths on the gums and patches that are red (erythroplakia ) or white (leukoplakia).

They can also appear as lumps or sores that won’t heal and look like thickening of the gums.

Therefore, if you experience canker sores that do not go away for more than 14 days, be aware because it could be a symptom of gum cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Cancer

What are the symptoms of canker sores that are an indication of gum cancer? Here are some of them:

1. Gums that bleed easily, causing pain and difficulty chewing food.
2. Teeth that feel loose in the injured area.
3. Dentures that may feel loose and ill-fitting.

In addition, there are some other symptoms of gum cancer that you should know:

1. The ability of the sense of taste changes.
2. Difficulty eating food.
3. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
4. Weight loss for no reason.

Gum Cancer Treatment

According to The Journal of the American Dental Association, oral cancer diagnoses are more common in men than women. Oral cancer is usually experienced by people with an age range of 55 to 64 years.

In early-stage oral cancer, it can generally be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. After removal, reconstructive surgery can help restore damaged tissue structures.

In addition, rehabilitation can help patients to relearn how to chew food, swallow, or speak.

In fact, gum cancer can be more easily treated if doctors detect it early. Therefore, it is very important to have regular check-ups with the dentist every six months.

Using tobacco products, especially chewing tobacco, smoking, and consuming alcoholic beverages can increase your chances of developing gum cancer. So, you should immediately stop these bad habits, yes.

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