What are the benefits of giving coconut water to babies?

Is coconut water good for babies?

Parents of small children are often worried about their proper physical and mental development. Parents ask a lot of questions before making any changes or adding anything else to their children’s diet. One of these questions is can coconut water be given to small children?

To know the answer to this question of parents, we talked to Dr. Sunita Garg, in-charge and child specialist of Garg Hospital, Delhi, and whether coconut water should be given to children or not. Tried to learn about the benefits of coconut water for children. Let us know the answers to all these questions.

Is it safe to give coconut water to children?

Dr. Sunita Garg says that it is absolutely safe to give coconut water to children. Many nutrients like potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and calcium are found in coconut water, which can help in the development of children. Let us know the benefits of feeding coconut water to children.

5 benefits of giving coconut water to babies

Improves digestion

Small children often suffer from problems like constipation, stomach ache and vomiting. These diseases can be cured with coconut water. High fiber is found in coconut water, which helps in improving digestion. Giving coconut water to children daily helps in reducing frequent acid reflux.

It is beneficial for the skin

Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and antiviral properties are found in coconut water, which helps in protecting the skin from infections. Feeding coconut water to children helps in removing extra oil from their skin and reduces acne and blemishes in their teens.

makes bones stronger

High calcium is found in coconut water, which can help in making the bones of children strong and healthy. Along with this, the nutrients of coconut water can also help in reducing urine infections in children.

Increases energy level

Sodium and healthy sugar content is found in coconut water. , The high amount of these nutrients keeps the body hydrated and compensates for water deficiency. Feeding coconut to children regularly helps in increasing the energy level of their body.

Eliminates stomach worms

Many times small children often suffer from stomach worms. Coconut water can also prove helpful in getting rid of stomach worms. To eliminate stomach worms, one should drink coconut water every morning.

When, how much, and how to feed coconut water to children?

You can give coconut water to small children without any hesitation. By giving two and a half milliliters of coconut water to small children every day, the body gets 45 to 60 calories. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is absolutely safe to give coconut drinks to children after 1 year. Children under 1 year of age should not be given anything other than mother’s milk.

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