7 Causes of Snoring You Need to Know

Snoring is a common sleep disorder. If left untreated, this can have a negative impact in the long term. Find out the causes of snoring in this article.

Sleep disturbances are a common problem experienced by many people around the world. In Indonesia alone, about 9-15% of people experience sleep disorders. One common cause is snoring or snoring.

Snoring makes a person’s sleep not ideal so he wakes up tired. In addition, snoring can have long-term negative effects such as decreased oxygen levels in the body, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, and also type 2 diabetes. Therefore, this condition needs to be treated as soon as possible.

The cause of someone snoring

There are several reasons why someone snores. The following are the factors that cause snoring. According To ResMed Why Do We Snore?

1. Smoking habits

Chemicals contained in cigarettes can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and cause swelling. Narrowing of the airway cavity due to

This swelling is what causes snoring.

2. Sleeping on your back

In addition to smoking habits, supine sleeping position can also be a cause of snoring. When you sleep on your back, gravity pulls the tissue around your airway down, making the airway narrower. The narrowness of the airway is what causes the sound when air passes through it.

3. Age

With age, the tongue and the muscles that surround it weaken, making the airways narrow and making sounds. Therefore, this condition is often experienced by the elderly.

4. Overweight or obesity

People who are overweight (obese) are very likely to snore while sleeping. This is because being overweight is the cause of snoring.

The presence of more fat in the neck causes the airways to become smaller so that

increase the occurrence of collapse of the respiratory tract which eventually causes a sound when breathing during sleep.

5. Drink alcohol and sedatives

Be it drinking alcohol before bed or sedatives can induce sleep

snoring. The reason is, both substances make the muscles that support the tissues around the airways relax more so that snoring sleep can occur.

6. Anatomical conditions of the mouth, nose, and neck

Snoring sleep conditions are closely related to the anatomy of the mouth that you have.

People who have a deviated septum, nostrils that tilt to one side, jaw size is too small, tonsils or large tongue can cause snoring.

Likewise, people who have excess tissue at the back of the throat or an elongated uvula (triangular-shaped tissue that hangs from the roof of the mouth) can also cause snoring.

7. Have health problems

In addition, snoring can be a sign you have certain health problems that cause it. Some of these conditions are:

1. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

This sleep disorder causes breathing to stop for a few seconds during sleep. People with OSA are very common to experience snoring while sleeping, waking at night, waking up feeling tired, and sleepy during the day.

2. Chronic nasal obstruction

Nasal congestion can reduce the flow of air through the airways, making a person prone to snoring.

For example, have allergies, nasal polyps, infections of the respiratory tract and abnormalities of the septum.

3. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs due to problematic thyroid gland function, so people with hypothyroidism do not have enough thyroid hormone. The sufferer will experience hoarseness, speech and slowed heart rate, and snoring during sleep.

If you often snore, find out the cause immediately so that it can be treated before your health is compromised.

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