6 Choices of Natural Sleep Medicines to Overcome Difficulty Sleeping

Sleep is a necessity for your body. Unfortunately, some people still complain of insomnia. The easiest way to deal with this condition is to apply sleep hygiene. It could also be with a doctor’s treatment, such as the following therapy or taking sleeping pills. However, is there a choice of natural sleeping pills that can overcome insomnia?

Choice of natural sleeping pills to treat insomnia

Constantly having trouble sleeping doesn’t just make your eyes sleepy. In the long term, lack of sleep can have a negative impact on overall body health. Starting from getting sick easily to being prone to accidents that might threaten life safety.

Doctors will usually recommend you to do cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with insomnia, take sleeping pills, or supplements that contain melatonin.

However, there are other ways that you might consider, namely taking natural (herbal) sleeping pills, such as the following:

1. Valerian root

Valerian root

Valerian is a herbal plant originating from Europe and parts of Asia. For years, valerian root is often used as a natural treatment to treat symptoms of anxiety, depression, menopause, and difficulty sleeping. Yes, for those of you with insomnia, this natural herbal remedy might help.

Several studies have also reported that taking 300-900 mg of valerian before bed can trigger sleepiness more quickly while improving sleep quality. However, all of the results of this study depend on objective measurements taken during sleep, including brain waves and heart rate.

Research published in the American Journal of Medicine states that short-term intake of valerian is still relatively safe for adults. Most importantly, valerian root should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women.

Even so, you need to know the side effects of these natural sleeping pills, such as headaches, dizziness, and indigestion.

2. Tea chamomile

Tea chamomile

Apart from valerian root, you can also choose chamomile as an herbal sleeping aid. According to a study in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, chamomile tea can reduce sleep problems in mothers who have just given birth.

The calming effect of chamomile can relax the body and mind, thus making it easier for mothers who have just given birth to sleep.

Chamomile tea is different from tea leaves, which contain caffeine which may cause insomnia in sensitive people. This tea is made from dried chamomile leaves, flowers and stems which you then brew with hot water with the addition of honey and lemon juice.

3. Lavender


Natural sleeping pills are not always in the form of foods or extracts that you can consume. It can also be in the form of aromatherapy oils, such as this lavender.

A 2015 study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that participants who inhaled lavender essential oil for 2 weeks regularly reported falling asleep easily and not waking up at night. Researchers say this effect comes from the linalool component.

The components interact with the brain chemical GABA to relax the brain so that it can help relieve anxiety and stress that interfere with sleep.

4. Foods contain glycine

Glycine is an amino acid that plays an important role in the work of the body’s nervous system. On the other hand, a study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology showed that this substance can restore circadian rhythms, the body’s biological clock that regulates the time you wake up and go to sleep.

This is done by activating NMDA receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the part of the brain that controls circadian rhythms. That way, your circadian rhythm can function better and make you sleep better too.

Well, from the properties of glycine, you can use it as a natural sleeping medicine. You can get this substance from a variety of foods, such as fish, beef, soybeans, and chicken.

5. Foods that contain melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that is responsible for supporting the performance of circadian rhythms. With melatonin, you can sleep well. The production of this hormone in your body can be disrupted so that it can cause you to have trouble sleeping.

Not only naturally, you can also get this hormone from foods, such as mushrooms, cherries, milk, almonds, and walnuts. You can process mushrooms into a healthy diet, milk as a snack or breakfast, and cherries and nuts as a snack.

6. Passion flower

Passion flower

The last herbal plant that you can use as a natural sleeping remedy is passion flower ( Passiflora incarnata ). Animal-based studies show that the active components of this plant can induce SWS (slow-wave sleep) or slow-wave sleep or what you know as deep sleep.

The benefits are also related to sleep is to inhibit the occurrence of the REM sleep phase, which is the stage of sleep that makes blood pressure increase, eye movements are fast and restless, and you can dream.

Things you need to pay attention to before taking natural sleeping pills

Although research has shown the potential of the natural sleeping pills listed above, consulting a doctor before using the drug is still your priority. The reason is, some drugs can react with other substances, such as benzodiazepines, alcohol, and antidepressants.

Overcoming insomnia can not only be done by taking herbal medicine alone. You also need to adopt a supportive lifestyle so that you no longer have insomnia. For example, going to bed early and getting up early in the morning regularly, avoiding drinking coffee or eating dinner before bed, and refraining from playing cell phones in the bedroom.

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