5 Ways to Make Beetroot Juice Without Feeling Bad

Many people may rarely consume beetroot or beets as daily food. However, this tuber is delicious for juice. So, so that beet juice doesn’t taste unpleasant, know how to make it right with the following recipes.

Recipes and how to make beetroot juice

There are various ways to make beetroot juice so it doesn’t smell rancid or musty. You can mix other fruits, to use certain processed methods.

Here are some easy beet juice healthy recipes that you can try at home.

1. Beet detox juice

Beet juice can be a choice of detox juice for those of you who want to neutralize toxins in the body. Beets have a content that provides a protective effect against liver damage.

Here are the ingredients that need to be prepared and the steps that need to be considered in making detox juice with beet-based ingredients.


1. 1 cup (250 ml) water.
2. 1 medium beet (50 g), peeled and cut into quarters.
3. 1 large carrot (72 g).
4. 1 cup (150 ml) of kale or spinach leaves.

How to make Beetroot Juice

1. Boil these tubers beforehand to get rid of harmful ingredients and bad smells.
2. Blend the beets first until the texture becomes smooth.
3. Then, add the carrots to the juice and the spinach leaves one by one. This method is to further eliminate the smell of soil.
4. So that the texture of the juice is not too thick and dense, little by little add water.
5. Serve into a glass and drink immediately or chill in the fridge to make it fresher.

2. Cucumber beet juice

Beet juice has a mild taste and is rich in minerals which helps control blood pressure.

Some research has even found beetroot to have beneficial effects and potential for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


1. 1 medium cucumber (200 g).
2. 1 stalk of celery.
3. 1 medium beet (50 g).
4. 1 large carrot (72 g).

How to make Cucumber beet juice

1. Clean the beets from the soil that is still attached, then peel them and boil them until they become more tender.
2. Once the beets are soft and don’t smell too bad, cut them into quarters.
3. Take a stalk of celery, chop the leaves one by one and discard the thick stalks.
4. Blend the beets until smooth first.
5. To get rid of the earthy smell and the unpleasant smell, add celery.
6. Then, add cucumber slices to the juice to enhance the fresh aroma.
7. Cucumber is mostly water, so there is no need to add water to this juice.
8. Serve or store in the refrigerator to make it cooler and fresher to drink.

3. Beet smoothie

Beets can potentially improve blood and oxygen flow in the muscles and promote more efficient oxygen use.

Meanwhile, goji berries are rich in antioxidants and help the body recover from intense training, as well as reduce muscle soreness.

Here’s how to make beet juice that is suitable for you to consume after fitness or the gym to recover muscles. This juice serves 1-2 large servings.


1. 1 large raw beetroot (80 g).
2. 1½ cups (350 ml) almond milk
3. 1 tablespoon (15 g) dried goji berries or goji berry powder
4. 1 ripe banana (118 g).
5. ½ cup (75 g) frozen raspberries
6. 1 tablespoon flaxseed or hemp protein powder.
7. 1 teaspoon (5 g) fresh ginger, grated
8. 1 – 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

How to make Beet smoothie

1. Freeze raspberries in the freezer.
2. Clean the beets from the remaining soil that sticks, then peel them.
3. Boil the beets until tender and cooked, this is useful for removing harmful ingredients and disguising the lingering unpleasant odor.
4. Peel the banana from the skin and cut into small pieces.
5. Finely grate fresh ginger.
6. Squeeze the lemons to get lemon water or lemon juice.
7. Grate the beets and place them in a blender, then pour in the almond milk.
8. Add powdered or dried goji berries, frozen raspberries, and banana chunks.
9. Don’t forget to throw in a tablespoon of whey protein powder for added protein content.
10. Puree with a blender, set at high speed.
11. Little by little add the grated ginger and lemon juice to the juice to strengthen the taste and aroma.

4. Bit juice energy booster

Beet juice can also be an energy drink during exercise.

According to research in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2021), the consumption of beet juice helps distribute oxygen to the muscles and skeleton and increases endurance during exercise.

Here’s how to make beetroot juice as an energy booster.


1. 1 medium beet.
2. 1 cup of water
3. 4 stalks of celery.
4. 1 lime

How to make Bit juice energy booster

1. Clean and peel the beets, cut into quarters.
2. Boil the beets to remove the earthy aroma and harmful compounds in it.
3. Cut lime and squeeze to get lime juice.
4. Pick the celery leaves one by one from the thick stalks.
5. Place the beets into the blender, then blend until smooth.
6. You can little by little add water to get the consistency you want.
7. Add lime juice to remove the lingering unpleasant aroma.
8. Then add celery leaves for added freshness.
9. Serve in a glass, you can add a garnish of celery leaves or lime wedges.

5. Broccoli vegetable beet juice

The combination of beets and vegetables will enrich the nutrients in the juice. This will help you to meet your daily Nutrition Adequacy Rate (RDA) needs.


3 medium apples (480 g).
1 small head of broccoli (150 g).
1 large beet (80 g).

How to make Broccoli vegetable beet juice

1. Cut the heads and stalks of the broccoli from the thick stems.
2. Boil the broccoli for no more than 10 minutes so that the broccoli is more tender.
3. Clean, peel and cut the beets into quarters.
4. Boil the beets for 15 minutes until tender to remove the unpleasant or earthy aroma.
5. Peel and cut the apple into quarters, removing the core.
6. First, put the broccoli and apples into the blender.
7. Blend the two ingredients in a blender, you may add water so it’s not too thick.
8. Then put the boiled beets in a blender.
9. Don’t add too much water because the apples already contain a lot of water.
10. Serve into two medium glasses.
11. Store in the refrigerator to cool and fresh before drinking.

The effect of drinking beetroot juice

Your urine and stool may turn red or pink after eating beets. This condition is known as beeturia.

Rules for drinking beetroot juice

For best results, drink one to two glasses of beetroot juice per week. If you want to lower blood pressure, drink two glasses every day.

Beets are generally safe to eat. However, if you are prone to kidney stones, avoid drinking beetroot juice too often.

Beets are high in oxalates, which are phytonutrients (natural plant compounds) that can form crystals that cause kidney stones.

For those of you who have low blood pressure, drinking beetroot juice too often increases the risk of blood pressure dropping too low. Monitor your blood pressure closely.

If in doubt, talk to your doctor before trying the beet juice diet routine.

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