Yoga exercises upon awakening – the easiest and most effective

At the beginning of the day, it is highly recommended to do some stretching exercises that activate the muscles and joints. In fact, naturally it is normal for us to stretch and stretch so that the body can activate itself and start the day well. Therefore, if instead of stretching in any way you follow some specific yoga asanas you will be able to activate your body in a healthy and positive way. In this article, we are going to discover the best yoga exercises when you wake up that will help you start the day in the best possible way.

Table Of Content

1. 3 benefits of yoga to start the day
2. Yoga in bed: 3 exercises
3. morning yoga routines

3 benefits of yoga to start the day

Before getting into the yoga exercises when you wake up, we are going to spend a few moments to see the importance of performing this simple routine. As we have already said, doing yoga in the morning will help you activate your body and make your muscles stretch and become more elastic. According To YogaWithAdriene Wake Up Yoga – 11 Minute Morning Yoga Practice – Yoga With Adriene

Here we leave you the 3 benefits of morning yoga so you can start practicing it today.

Start the day on the right foot

If there is something that characterizes the practice of yoga, it is that, with it, you manage to concentrate on the present and relax your body and mind at the same time. Therefore, it is a good tool to dissipate stress, anxiety or negative thinking and start, from the first morning, with a dose of optimism and good humor. In addition, there are some yoga postures that help you to have more vitality and prepare your body for the day.

Take care of yourself every day

Another benefit of doing yoga when you wake up is that it makes you aware of the importance of taking care of yourself every day. Many times, due to routine and obligations, we abandon ourselves and leave ourselves in the background. But it is important that, every day, you take care of yourself, love yourself and remember how important it is to enjoy a positive and full life.

Relaxation for the whole day

And finally, another benefit that is worth noting is that yoga in the morning helps you to activate your body but, at the same time, to relax your mind. You will start the day with a very vital energy but with a calm and relaxed mind, perfect to face your new day.

Yoga in bed: 3 exercises

Within this compilation with easy and effective yoga exercises when you wake up, we will begin by indicating some postures for which you will not even need to get out of bed. They are body positions that aim to achieve greater elasticity and stretch the muscles well before putting your feet on the ground.

yoga posture 1

We will start with a daily yoga exercise that will help you stretch your legs and spine. To do this, you simply have to sit on the bed, stretch your legs as far as possible and bend your back forward trying to touch your feet.

posture 2

The next pose that will help you wake up your leather in the morning is to do it in a twist. To do this you must lie on your back on your bed and then bend your knees bringing them to your chest. Now you should move them to the right and then to the left, feeling how the twist stretches the flanks of your body and your back well.

Third-morning yoga posture

And to finish this yoga exercise in bed you will have to sit in the lotus position. Then, you should place your hands on top of your knees and press down slightly so that your legs and lower body joints are well stretched.

When you get out of bed you can start the day doing the Sun Salutation.

morning yoga routine

We now begin to offer you a morning yoga table that will help you start the day in a very positive and relaxed way. We have selected 3 yoga exercises when you wake up so that you can easily do them in any space of your room or your house. These asanas are ideal for stretching and activating your body so that you are fully prepared to face a new day.

Uttanasana, yoga exercise to start the day

It is one of the best ways to activate the body when you wake up. To do this, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Stand up straight on a mat with your body relaxed
  2. Now exhale and begin to lower your body forward and down.
  3. Try to touch your legs with your body, even if you have to bend your knees a little
  4. Next, bring your arms together as if you are hugging your body and hold still in this position for 10 seconds

Downward Dog(Mukha Savasana)

Adho Mukha savasana

Another exercise that you can include in your morning yoga routine is what is known as “Adho Mukha savasana” or ” downward facing dog “. To do this asana you will have to do the following:

  1. Lie face down on the ground and place your hands on the ground
  2. Now start lifting your hips up keeping your knees bent if you need to.
  3. The arms and legs have to be in line with the hips for the posture to be done correctly.
  4. Stretch your arms well and do not raise your head
  5. In this position, take 10 deep breaths

Cobra Pose

cobra pose

And we end this article with the best yoga exercises to wake up to tell you about the posture of the cobra or known in Sanskrit as “Bhujangasana”. To do it, you just have to perform the following steps:

  1. Lie face down on the mat
  2. Inhale air and slowly raise your torso by curving your back
  3. You should stretch your arms and ensure that the belly and chest area is well erect
  4. You can keep your head straight or tilt it slightly back
  5. Take 10 deep breaths and return to your body position slowly

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