What is a Conductor? Commonly Found Around Us

Perhaps we often read or hear about materials, objects, substances, and compounds that are considered conductors. We are also surrounded by various kinds of goods that are conductors. Then, what is meant by the conductor? How important is the presence of conductors in human life in modern times?

Well, to find out the answer, you can read and listen to this article to the end.

1. Definition of conductor

Conductors are substances, materials, compounds, and all objects that can be a conductor of electric current and heat. In many cases, the conductor is also correlated with a substance or material that is able to propagate sound without resistance. Well, one of the most common examples of conducting materials is metal.

Metals, such as steel, copper, iron, nickel, silver, zinc, and aluminum, have been considered as conductive materials. That is why, metal is one of the substances or compounds that are considered to be able to conduct electricity and heat well. Uniquely, there are small circuits in computer processors made of gold. Yup, gold is also one of the best soft conductors compared to copper.

2. Conductor function

According to Earth Science Week, not all mined materials are good conductors. Many of them are actually semi-conductors, even insulators. That means, minerals or mining products must be treated first to make them conductive.

Well, the function of the conductor is of course related to its understanding as a conductor. In everyday life, conductor substances are more often used to propagate electric current or heat. Even the smallest electronic units that we use also have a lot of conductors, for example the circuits in smartphones, laptops, PCs, or other devices that we have in our hands.

On the other hand, materials that do not conduct electricity and heat are called insulators. Plastic, rubber, glass, paper, and the like are considered non-conducting materials. This insulating substance is very useful for preventing unwanted electricity and heat.

So, you already know the meaning, function, and type of conductor material through the brief explanation above. It turns out, it’s not so difficult, right, to understand the difference between a conductor and an insulator? According To Don’t Memorise What are Conductors and Insulators? | Don’t Memorise

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