Want to know if you are healthy or not? Check the Color of Each Tongue!

Try to notice the color of your tongue when brushing your teeth. What color do you think is on your tongue right now? Is the tongue white, pink, or even deep red?

Did you know, the color on the tongue can be a benchmark to your health?

Try following our article below and check out the color on your tongue now!

Try checking the color of your tongue, do you belong to the group below?

1. Pink

Congratulations if your tongue is pink! This is a sign you have a healthy tongue.

If there are a few white patches on the top of the tongue, don’t worry, it’s normal.

A healthy tongue should be free from any ulcers, tooth marks or cracks. If you feel like there are small seeds on your tongue, it is the papillae that contain your taste buds.

2. The color of the tongue is red

If your tongue is red, maybe that’s a sign that your tongue is inflamed!

Glossitis is a reaction of the tongue to inflammation that causes your tongue to be slightly swollen and reddened. Papillae that are on the surface of the tongue will also become slippery if you have glossitis.

Glossitis may be caused by minor lesions on the surface of the tongue or bacterial infection on the lesion. One form of glossitis is the geographic tongue.

Your tongue will be filled with white patches shaped like a map.

A red tongue may also be a sign that your body is deficient in vitamin B-12 or folic acid.

Try to eat more foods such as meat, fish, crabs and shellfish to get enough vitamin B-12 for the body.

Also practice eating broccoli, asparagus and papaya to increase folic acid levels in your body. According To FitTuber Know some Tongue Signs Your Body is Asking for Help

3. Yellow

It is rare for the tongue to turn yellowish.

However, if it occurs, it may be due to jaundice or jaundice. Jaundice commonly affects infants, especially infants whose gestational age is not more than 38 weeks (premature infants).

This condition occurs because the baby’s liver is not mature enough to remove bilirubin in the blood.

Yellow fever can also occur in adults. The main cause is an infection of the liver such as hepatitis, or the formation of gallstones.

If you smoke, a yellow tongue may be an early sign of discoloration on your tongue. Over time, the crow’s tongue will turn a dark brown color and eventually black.

4. Purple

A purple tongue may be a sign you have a heart problem!

A purple tongue is a static sign of blood. This means that blood cannot circulate normally to all parts of your body.

In addition, purple tongue may also be caused by lung problems.

This problem may be closely related to liver problems. Lack of oxygen in the blood will cause the color on the tongue to be bluish purple.

5. White

A white tongue can be caused by dehydration problems. Drinking enough water may be an easy solution to a white tongue condition.

However, sometimes, the tongue changes color to white due to a yeast infection.

Candida infection or oral thrush is a type of yeast infection that will make the color of the tongue white as if coated with a layer of cheese.

A candida infection makes your tongue ache and you find it difficult to swallow food.

Another cause of white tongue may be due to oral leukoplakia ( leucoplakia ) .

Oral leukoplakia is very common for smokers. 80% of smokers have oral leukoplakia on their tongue.

However, this condition should not be underestimated as oral leukoplakia has the potential to be an early sign of cancer.

6. Black

Is your tongue black? It may be due to a bacterial or fungal infection.

A black hairy tongue is an infection on the tongue that will make your tongue black and hairy. However, this situation is not permanent! It is temporary.

While this condition may seem serious, in fact by practicing good oral hygiene, this infection can be prevented.

Black tongues are also more common among smokers and will occur if you drink too much coffee or black tea.

Tongue color is a sign of oral health

The color on the tongue will usually be closely related to your oral care. If you maintain good oral hygiene and brush your teeth at least 3 times a day, you may be able to avoid almost all of the above infections.

However, if you notice any difference on your tongue that makes you feel anxious, hurry to see a doctor!

Oral cancer patients do not feel pain in the early stages of cancer. See a doctor if the sores on your mouth do not heal within two weeks.

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