Various Causes of Hair Loss in Teenagers

Still young but your hair is falling out? What do you think causes hair loss in teenagers? Come on, look at the following causes of hair loss at a young age. Hair loss and baldness usually start to be a concern in adulthood. However, some teenagers apparently experience excessive hair loss.

Excessive hair loss during adolescence will certainly cause stress and insecurity. However, this actually doesn’t need to make them panic and lose confidence.

By identifying the causes of hair loss, this ‘crown’ problem can be overcome. The following are the causes of hair loss in teenagers that you need to know.

1. Hair Styling

Hair manipulation is more often done by teenage girls than boys. Hair manipulation, for example, coloring, straightening, and curling hair. The chemicals used in the process can damage and cause hair loss.

Apart from that, using hair straighteners and hair dryers too often can also make hair dry, and brittle, and lead to hair loss.

2. Genetic

The cause of hair loss in teenagers can also occur due to genetic factors. This is usually called androgenic alopecia, which is a genetic form of hair baldness that has a certain pattern.

This hair loss occurs more often in adults. However, if you have a family history of androgenic alopecia, then even as a teenager you are at risk of experiencing hair loss.

3. Malnutrition

Hair also needs adequate nutrition to grow healthy and strong. If teenagers do not get adequate nutritional intake, for example due to dieting, being sick, eating a vegetarian diet, then these things can cause hair loss.

Having an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia can also cause hair loss. Deficiencies in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and iron also have the potential to cause hair loss.

4. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss. In this case, your immune system attacks the hair follicles because it considers them to be foreign objects in the body, resulting in hair loss.

This condition is most often found in teenagers and adults. In fact, cases of alopecia areata have also been found in childhood.

5. Hormonal Imbalance

In general, hormonal imbalances are more often experienced by teenage girls. However, it is also possible for teenage boys to experience something similar.

Hormonal imbalances can be caused by diseases, such as thyroid, polycystic ovary syndrome, and diabetes.

6. Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which a person has a constant desire to pull out his hair. These symptoms usually begin to appear at the age of 10-13 years. Constantly pulling hair will of course be the cause of hair loss in teenagers.

7. Medicines

Some types of medication consumed can cause side effects in the form of hair loss. These drugs include lithium, isotretinoin, amphetamines, acne drugs, some antibiotics, and chemotherapy drugs.

The drugs mentioned above are often consumed by teenagers, especially those who have certain diseases. Long-term consumption of this drug can cause hair loss in teenagers.

8. Lupus disease

Similar to alopecia areata, lupus is also an autoimmune disease. Lupus disease can occur in adolescents and productive age.

The symptoms of lupus are very diverse, such as joint pain, fatigue, butterfly-shaped rashes on the cheeks, and hair loss.

9. Tying your hair too tightly

Teenage girls who have long hair often change their hairstyle by tying it up. However, if tied too tightly, the hair can break and become damaged. This can also cause hair to fall out.

10. Stress

You need to know that hair follicles are also very sensitive to physical or emotional stress. Unfortunately, teenagers can also experience stress.

There are even teenagers who experience severe stress. This stress can also be one of the causes of hair loss in teenagers.

There are quite a lot of causes of hair loss in teenagers that can occur. Treatment also varies according to each cause. Most of the things above can be overcome by yourself. However, if the hair loss does not decrease and gets worse, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

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