Types of Vegetables for Diets that You Can Try

When dieting, vegetable consumption must be increased. Here are various vegetable choices that are suitable and healthy for your diet!

When on a diet, generally you have to reduce 500 calories from your total calories per day. Apart from reducing food portions, food choices also need to be considered so that calorie intake is reduced.

Most people on a diet will increase their consumption of vegetables. “All vegetables are good, as long as they are not excessive.”

He also added, “During a diet, there must be protein and carbohydrates too. “The nutrition is balanced, so don’t just eat vegetables.”

The following are vegetables for your diet that you can freely choose to successfully lose weight:

1. Broccoli


A total of 100 grams of broccoli contains 2.4 grams of fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient that you need to get every day, especially if you are on a diet.

These nutrients help you stay full longer, thereby suppressing the urge to snack on sweet foods. Apart from that, broccoli also contains sulforaphane, which according to research has anticancer properties.

This means that consuming broccoli regularly followed by implementing a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the risk of cancer in the future.

2. Spinach


Apart from broccoli, you can also choose spinach as a vegetable for your diet and stomach reduction program. Spinach is known to be nutrient-dense but low in calories.

Eating a cup of raw spinach helps you meet your needs for vitamin A and vitamin K. These two vitamins are needed by the body to maintain eye health and optimize the blood clotting process.

Just like broccoli, consuming spinach regularly can reduce the risk of cancer because it contains high levels of carotene and lutein.

3. Carrots


Carrots are a vegetable rich in vitamin A which is good for the diet. Not only does it maintain eye health, vitamin A indirectly supports weight loss.

So, vitamin A can help improve metabolic function. This means that the fat-burning process in the body is optimal so it can help reduce weight.

4. Kale


If you are bored with spinach, you can replace it with kale. Vegetables for this diet are rich in potassium which helps control blood pressure to remain normal.

When dieting, potassium can help muscles recover faster after exercise and maintain fluid balance in the body. Of course, this benefit is very beneficial for you, because during the diet, the frequency of exercise increases.

5. Kale

This vegetable, which is the twin of kale, can also be part of your healthy diet menu. Consuming kale together with foods high in carbohydrates, such as white rice, can prevent blood sugar spikes.

So, if you run out of kale at home, you can choose kale. The way to process kale is not much different from kale.

6. Lettuce


One of the mainstay vegetable menus for a diet is salad. So, with one type of vegetable, such as lettuce, you can serve it as a salad.

Apart from being rich in fiber, lettuce is also high in water content. This can help you stay full longer. You can add pieces of lean-boiled meat to make the salad more nutritious.

7. Cabbage

Benefits of Cabbage Vegetables

This food can be an additional vegetable for salads. Sometimes, if you don’t want to bother, you can enjoy it as a raw or boiled vegetable.

White, green, red or purple cabbage has different nutrients. One of them is an antioxidant called anthocyanin. The antioxidants in red and purple cabbage are known to be higher than white or green cabbage.

The antioxidant compounds from vegetables for this diet can protect your body’s health from free radical damage, you know!

8. Cucumber


The choice of vegetables rich in water is not only lettuce but there is also cucumber. The water and fiber content can slow down the appearance of hunger.

So, it is very safe if you consume cucumbers as a dish, or juice, or enjoy them directly as a snack. The high potassium content of cucumbers can also stabilize your blood pressure during a diet.

9. Cauliflower


At first glance, this vegetable is similar to broccoli. However, both are different types of vegetables. Cauliflower has white flowers, while broccoli is dark green.

Like broccoli, cauliflower is also rich in fiber which really supports diet success. Fiber can slow down your digestive system. That way, it lasts longer in the stomach than foods high in sugar or fat.

10. Peas


Vegetables for this diet are very easy to add to various cooking menus. For example, you add it to spaghetti, add to stir-fried carrots, or red-fried rice. Wow, it sure tastes delicious!

Peas are rich in fiber which helps the stool to have a softer texture. Of course, it becomes easier for feces to pass through the large intestine and be excreted from the body.

Consuming peas during your diet can prevent you from constipation. But make sure you also drink enough water, okay?

11. Chickpeas


Peas are usually stir-fried together with chopped green beans and carrots. Even though they are not large in size, green beans are rich in vitamin C.

You need to know that a combination of adequate vitamin C intake with exercise can help you lose weight, including reducing a bloated stomach.

12. Tomato


Apart from beans, you can fulfill your vitamin C intake during your diet by consuming tomatoes. You can consume vegetables for this diet directly, make them into sauce, add them to dishes, or serve them as juice.

A glass of tomato juice can be a healthy stomach-boosting snack while on a diet, rather than a packet of salty chips. But when making juice, don’t add a lot of sugar, okay?

Instead, add honey or leave it without flavor enhancers to keep the calories low.

13. Mustard greens

Mustard greens

If you are bored with the same old green vegetables, you can try mustard greens. Usually, vegetables for this diet are served as stir-fries.

You can add pieces of tofu so that the vegetable protein content is higher. Just like other vegetables, mustard greens can keep your stomach full for longer and free from constipation.

14. Bok Choy

Bok Choy

Bok choy has a similar shape to mustard greens but with shorter and fuller stalks. Vegetables for this diet are also easy to cook, especially for stir-fry dishes.

The vitamin C content of this vegetable is very high. This helps your immune system become stronger in fighting germs that will infect you.

15. Kailan


You are similar to mustard greens, but with stems that are a little harder in texture. Vegetables for this diet can be a substitute for bok choy, kale, or other green vegetables if you are bored.

Usually, kailan is cooked with chopped garlic. The combination is very healthy, considering that garlic contains allicin which has the potential to reduce belly fat.

16. Chayote


Bored with green vegetables, don’t worry, there is still chayote for your diet menu. If you want to lose weight, it is best to consume chayote as boiled fresh vegetables. Or you can also saute it with a little oil and add sliced ​​carrots.

Vegetables for this diet are rich in calcium and phosphorus. Both keep your bones strong. Of course, strong bones support you to continue being active every day while dieting.

17. Eggplant


Finally, you can choose eggplant as a healthy diet menu. Just like pumpkin, you can enjoy eggplant as a boiled vegetable or in grilled eggplant sauce.

The high fiber content helps maintain the health of your digestive system. Moreover, eggplant is also a filling but low-calorie food menu.

Wow, that’s a row of vegetables that are suitable for a diet. You can combine vegetable choices every day so you don’t get bored. Apart from vegetables, also fulfill other nutritional needs, such as healthy fats and protein from other healthy foods.

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