Torus Palatinus Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Torus Palatinus Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Torus palatinus is a condition in which there is a bulge or lump of bone (exostosis) on the roof of the mouth (palate). Usually, this bulge is covered by a thin mucosa and few blood vessels.

Torus palatinus is categorized as a normal variation and is not a very dangerous condition. Almost all studies reveal that torus palatinus is more common in women than men. In addition, it is also more common in the Mongolian and Caucasian races.

Torus Palatinus Symptoms

The most easily recognized symptom of the torus palatinus is a bulge in the roof of the mouth (palate). The bulges may be flat or lobular in shape, either single or multiple.

This hard bony prominence in the center of the palate is usually less than 2 cm in diameter. But sometimes it can slowly increase in size and fill the entire palate.

Its size is not too big and almost without pain or pain, often makes sufferers not realize its existence. Generally, sufferers only become aware of the existence of the torus palatinus if it is very large.

Torus Palatinus Reason

The cause of torus palatinus is not yet known clearly. However, the most likely theory is genetics. Other researchers have linked the torus palatinus to environmental factors, such as chewing pressure.


The diagnosis of torus palatinus can be made through a series of medical interviews and physical examinations. In addition, if necessary, supporting examinations can also be carried out. For example through radiographic examination (X-ray). The goal is to confirm the suspected condition.

Torus Palatinus Treatment

Actually, there is no special treatment to treat torus palatinus, if the sufferer has no complaints. However, the torus palatinus must be removed surgically in patients who use dentures. Because the torus palatinus can become a wedge for the denture base.

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