Tinea Corporis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Tinea Corporis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Tinea corporis is a fungal infection of the top layer of the body’s skin. This condition is described by a circular red rash with a lighter skin tone in the middle. This condition can cause itching.

Tinea corporis is closely related to other fungal infections. For example tinea pedis (fungal infection of the skin of the feet), tinea cruris (fungal infection of the skin of the groin), and tinea capitis (fungal infection of the scalp).

Tinea corporis is generally spread through direct skin contact with infected humans or animals. Mild tinea corporis may respond well to antifungal medications applied to the skin. For moderate or severe infections, you will need anti-fungal drugs taken orally.

Tinea Corporis Symptoms

Tinea corporis generally begins with the appearance of a flat, scaly rash on the skin, which can be red and accompanied by complaints of itching. The rash develops with raised edges and expands outward, forming a circular ring.

The lines that demarcate the rings are generally irregular in shape and may show a wavy appearance. The inside of the ring can be clear, scaly, or have a diffuse red spot. In some individuals, several rings may develop at the same time, which may overlap.

Tinea Corporis Reason

Tinea corporis is a contagious fungal infection. This type of fungus infects the cells on the outer layer of the skin. This disease can be transmitted by:

  • Human to human. Tinea corporis is often transmitted through direct skin contact with infected humans.
  • Animal to human. Tinea corporis can be transmitted through touch to animals infected by the fungus that causes tinea corporis. The infection can be passed on by touching, petting or bathing a dog or cat. This disease is also common in cattle.
  • object to humans. Tinea corporis can be transmitted through contact with objects or surfaces that have been touched by or come into contact with infected humans or animals, such as clothing, towels, bed sheets, or combs.
  • Land to humans. In rare cases, tinea corporis can be transmitted to humans through contact with soil. Infection may occur after prolonged contact with infected soil.

Some factors that increase the risk of contracting tinea corporis are:

  • Live in settlements with hot weather
  • Close contact with infected humans or animals
  • Sharing clothing, sheets, or towels with individuals who have a yeast infection
  • Participating in sports activities that involve skin-to-skin contact, such as wrestling, martial arts, or basketball games
  • Wearing tight or restrictive clothing
  • Weak immune system


The diagnosis of tinea corporis can be determined by gathering medical information, direct physical examination, and certain supporting examinations.

If the physical examination does not show a clear picture, the doctor may take skin scrapings from the infected area for further evaluation in the laboratory.

Tinea Corporis Treatment

Treatment of tinea corporis is generally done by applying anti-fungal medication to the infected skin, according to a doctor’s prescription. If the infection is considered extensive or severe, the doctor can also prescribe antifungal drugs that are taken orally.


Some things that can be done to prevent contracting tinea corporis are:

  • Educate yourself and others. Recognize the risk of transmitting tinea corporis from infected humans or animals. Inform children and families about tinea corporis, things to watch out for, and how to prevent contracting the infection.
  • Keep clean. Wash your hands regularly to prevent the spread of infection. Maintain cleanliness in areas such as schools, child care centers, and sports facilities.
  • Wear the right clothes. Avoid wearing thick clothing for long periods of time. Especially if you live in a residential area with warm and humid weather. Avoid excessive sweating.
  • Avoid infected animals. Signs of infection in animals can be patches on the skin that form hairless areas. However, in some cases, there may not be any signs or symptoms in the animal.
  • Avoid sharing personal items. Avoid lending clothes, towels, combs or other personal items to other people. Also, avoid lending personal items of this kind.

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