The Most Common Symptoms of Uterine Polyps You Need to Know

Uterine polyps are one of the most common diseases in women. What are the symptoms of uterine polyps? Check out the characteristics of uterine polyps here.

Uterine polyp or endometrial polyp is the growth of a lump that is attached to the inner uterine wall and protrudes toward the uterine cavity. The reason is because there is an excessive growth of cells that line the uterus.

Generally, this type of uterine polyp belongs to the category of benign. Uterine polyps are actually commonly found in women who have entered menopause or postmenopausal.

However, this does not mean that younger women cannot develop uterine polyps.

Uterine polyps come in various sizes. Some are only a few millimeters, some are up to several centimeters.

Usually, there can be one or more polyps that appear on the uterine wall and are in the uterine cavity. However, sometimes polyps can also protrude outside the cervix into the vagina.

Symptoms of uterine polyps in sufferers can vary. However, the most common features of uterine polyps are:

1. Irregular Menstruation

Generally, menstruating women follow a cycle of about 21-35 days. One of the signs of uterine polyps is irregular menstrual bleeding.

Then, menstruation is often late and not on schedule. The amount of menstrual blood that comes out is also irregular.

2. Bleeding outside of schedule

Vaginal bleeding outside of the menstrual cycle can be a symptom of uterine polyps. For example, come out spots even though you just finished your period.

3. Menstruation During Menopause

Women who have entered menopause will not menstruate again. The appearance of menstruation or spotting when previously no longer menstruating for at least a year (already menopause) needs to be watched out for. It could be the characteristics of uterine polyps.

4. Menstruation a lot

Another sign of uterine polyps is an excessive number of periods. Generally, changing pads 3-4 times a day is a normal amount experienced during menstruation. If your period is heavier and you need to change your pads more often, you need to be vigilant.

5. Infertility

Uterine polyps can cause infertility in women. The characteristics are that they are not pregnant even though they have had regular unprotected sex for at least one year.

6. Post Coital Bleeding

Post coital bleeding is bleeding from the vagina that occurs after intercourse. Although it has many possible causes, one of them is polyps in the uterus.

7. Unnatural vaginal discharge

Although rare, uterine polyps can become inflamed or infected. If this occurs, a yellowish vaginal discharge or white mucus may appear.

There are many features of uterine polyps in most asymptomatic cases. That is, there are no symptoms and do not feel any complaints.

The influence of hormones is thought to be the cause of uterine polyps. Actually, uterine polyps themselves are very sensitive to estrogen. That is, its growth can be influenced by estrogen levels in the body.

If you find some of the symptoms of uterine polyps above, don’t hesitate to immediately consult a doctor.

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