Symptoms of Heart Disease Visible on the Skin

There are several skin problems associated with heart disease. Recognize, be aware, and immediately consult a doctor if you find the following signs!

When the heart is in trouble, the sufferer does not only experience symptoms in the form of chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, and decreased consciousness.

In fact, heart problems can also cause a series of skin problems. Skin diseases due to the heart can include swelling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet, skin that has a waxy texture, blue skin, and brown and red rashes.

Why heart disease can cause a series of skin problems? Come on, find out!

1. Swelling in the Lower Leg

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), heart problems can cause skin disorders in the form of swelling of the lower legs.

In medical terms, this condition is known as edema or swelling due to excess fluid trapped in certain body tissues.

Edema can be caused by congestive heart failure. This condition occurs when one or both of the lower chambers of the heart are no longer able to pump blood effectively.

As a result, the blood that comes from the legs and flows towards the heart is reversed. The blood then returns to the lower leg and causes edema.

2. Wax-like Textured Skin

Wax-like textured skin can indicate cardiovascular problems. In turn, this is related to the risk of heart disease.

Wax texture and yellowish orange color on the skin occur due to cholesterol deposits. This condition is known as xanthoma.

Cholesterol deposits can appear under the eyelids, the corners of the eyes, the lines of the palms, and the backs of the lower legs.

In addition to high cholesterol levels, waxy skin can also indicate uncontrolled diabetes. Diabetes itself is a risk factor for heart problems.

3. Acne-Like Rashes and Bumps

Accumulation of fat or cholesterol can cause rashes and acne-like bumps.

This happens because of a spike in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. This type of xanthoma generally appears suddenly.

4. Bluish skin

Blue or purplish skin can also indicate heart disease.

This happens because heart disease, such as clogged arteries, causes blood flow to the skin area to decrease.

“The condition can occur, for example on the lips or fingertips. The part looks like it is blue or purple,”.

In medical terms, the condition of the fingers, nails, or lips turning blue due to lack of oxygen is known as cyanosis.

5. Blue Mesh Pattern

In addition to blue skin, clogged arteries can also cause the appearance of a bluish net pattern in the arm area.

This netting pattern is known medically as livedo reticularisLivedo reticularis indicates very high cholesterol levels.

6. The soles of the feet or hands are brownish red

If the heart or blood vessels become infected, this can cause the soles of the feet or hands to have a reddish-brown rash.

A rash can indicate a dangerous heart infection, known medically as infective endocarditis.

This condition occurs because the endocardial surface of the heart, including the heart valves, is infected with pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

Infective endocarditis can cause extensive tissue damage and is often fatal.

If you find the signs and symptoms above, you should immediately consult a doctor further. This aims to establish a diagnosis, and find out the most appropriate treatment before complications arise.

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