Symptoms Of Dengue In Babies

Dengue is a common disease spread to humans by Aedes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are the carriers of this disease, and fever is caused by a virus. In dengue fever, there is severe body pain and high fever. This disease is found in tropical climate areas. Because this climate is considered ideal for mosquito breeding. This disease is common in adults, but it does not spare infants also. This article will help you know what are the symptoms of dengue in babies.

Some facts about dengue that you need to know:

Dengue (pronounced den-dee) is not spread by human contact, nor is it a contagious infection. It is spread only through the Aedes mosquito. Which carries the dengue virus.

Aedes mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. They bite during the day, a few hours before dawn and a few hours after dusk, and are found in warm and humid areas.

The incidence of dengue increases during monsoon, because the accumulated rain water acts as a breeding area for these mosquitoes. To protect your child from dengue, keep the area around you dry. Make sure that there is no stagnant water in your garden. If you use a water cooler, keep cleaning it from time to time.

Symptoms of dengue in babies

If an Aedes mosquito has bitten your child, you may see the following symptoms in the child:

• High fever (101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)
• Excessive sleepiness
• loss of appetite
• Higher than normal fever due to eye pain, body pain, joint pain, or headache
• Bleeding from gums

If these symptoms are found, immediately contact your doctor and get tested. Sometimes these symptoms do not appear immediately and hence get confused for the symptoms of viral fever. And even a little delay turns the disease into complications.

In some cases, dengue fever can become severe, called dengue shock syndrome. If a child gets this dengue shock syndrome, then initially the regular symptoms of dengue are seen. And as the fever begins to go away, other symptoms increase, and may include the following:

• Bleeding’
• Excessive abdominal pain
• Vomiting
• Difficulty in breathing

If symptoms do not immediately respond to medical attention, the disease can become very serious, and organ failure may occur.

What to do if dengue symptoms appear in a child?

• If the child is experiencing pain along with a high fever or physical rash, consult your doctor immediately. Be careful not to give any non-anti-inflammatory medicine like aspirin to your child. Because it can reduce the platelets of the child.
• You have to keep in mind that to prevent dehydration, breastfeed the child from time to time or give him plenty of fluids.
• To reduce fever, keep a wet cloth on the forehead and keep changing it frequently. This will provide a lot of comfort to the child.

How is dengue treated in infants?

There is no specific medicine to treat dengue, but doctors recommend treating the symptoms and resting the child. If the child has loose motions, IV fluids can be given to the child to supplement electrolytes and salt to prevent dehydration. If the case is serious then immediate hospitalization is required.

In a serious disease like dengue, the best treatment is its prevention. As it was said in the beginning that it is better to be careful about the environment. Keep the environment of your house clean, do not allow water to accumulate nearby, make your baby sleep in a mosquito net or use mosquito repellent cream.

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