Snack Business: These are the Ideas and Tips for Success

The snack food business is a home-based business that has a lot of enthusiasts, be it housewives, or those who want to have a side business.

The number of snack food enthusiasts in Indonesia is quite large and continues to flow rapidly, ranging from children, teenagers, and adults, to the elderly.

Starting a business or culinary business, especially a snack business, can be used as a very promising opportunity because in addition to having many enthusiasts, snacks can also be consumed repeatedly and become a flexible business in terms of capital.

Because the capital required is in accordance with the type of product being sold and tends not to be too large. Well, if you are interested in running a snack business, we will provide the best ideas for you below.


1 Snack Business Idea
1.1 1. Omelette Roll
1.2 2. Macaroni
1.3 3. Pizza Mini
1.4 4. Martabak Topping Variants
1.5 5. Meatball Tofu
1.6 6. Tofu Kremes
1.7 7. Cassava Cheese
1.8 8. Fried Meatballs
1.9 9. Crispy Fried Chicken
1.10 10. Sosis Bakar
2 5 Tips for a Successful Snack Business
2.1 1. Good Quality
2.2 2. Keep Innovating
2.3 3. Use the Right Sales Strategy
2.4 4. Bundling with Other Products
2.5 5. Smart Financial Management

Snack Business Ideas

1. Omelette Roll

Omelette Roll

The first snack you can try to sell is a roll of omelette. These foods tend to be easy to make. Some of the ingredients needed include eggs, wheat flour, brown sugar, and grated coconut. You can get all these ingredients easily in the market.

You can sell this traditional food by leaving it at the market hawker every morning. Or you can also apply a pre-order system for orders on a large or small scale.

2. Macaroni


Macaroni is one of the snacks that are currently on the rise. Generally, these snacks are sold with various levels of spiciness.

The main target consumers of macaroni are students and school children. You can sell these snacks online in marketplaces, such as Tokopedia, Shopee, and also Bukalapak. You can also sell it on social media, like Instagram or Facebook.

3. Pizza Mini

The food which is served in mini form is very liked by many people. The small portion is ideal for one person to eat and eat. In addition, the price is also relatively cheaper than normal size pizza.

Pizza Mini

For how to make it, you can find it on the internet. You can use simple toppings first, such as mushrooms, sausage, cheese, and corn.

You can sell these snacks to small children to adults. The key to success in selling it is intensively promoting and also making delicious-tasting food.

4. Martabak Topping Variants


Martabak is one of the most popular snacks in Indonesia. This food is even a mainstay when you want to visit the prospective in-laws’ house.

You can sell martabak with various topping variants, such as cheese, chocolate, nuts, or fruit jam. To make it even more interesting, you can make mini martabak.

5. Meatball Tofu

Meatball tofu is a food originating from Semarang Regency. Currently, you can sell them frozen or fried.

The raw materials for making it are relatively easy to obtain, such as flour, chicken meat, eggs, and tofu. How to make it is also quite simple, you can see the recipe on the Internet.

6. Tofu Kremes

Tofu is an ingredient that can be used as a variety of foods. In addition to knowing meatballs, you can also make tofu Kremes as an interesting selling idea.

Before frying, the tofu must be wrapped in seasoned flour which is generally used for fried chicken. To improve the taste, you can add other powders, such as BBQ, balado, and so on.

You can sell this tofu by using a cart. Look for a busy place, such as near a campus or near an office or factory to sell.

7. Cassava Cheese

Cassava cheese is one of the traditional foods that has been successfully modified. This food has a very savory taste and is delicious to eat while still warm.

Cassava Cheese

The main secret in making soft cheese cassava is the selection of quality cassava. You can get the cassava at the supplier or at the farmer’s.

To sell it, you can choose the time of the night or the afternoon. Choose a strategic place and also visited by many people.

8. Fried Meatballs

Fried meatballs can be found easily at noodle stalls. The taste is very savory and the texture is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

You can start selling these fried meatballs in two forms, such as frozen tofu meatballs or fried tofu meatballs. The target market for selling fried meatballs is housewives, students, to noodle business owners.

9. Crispy Fried Chicken

Crispy fried chicken is a snack business idea that is very popular with the public. You can look for this food to serve as a side dish or snack.

Crispy Fried Chicken

The price is quite affordable with a delicious taste. To be able to start this business, you can start using your own recipes.

If you want to be more practical, try to join directly with a food franchise company.

In order to increase your profits even more, you can also offer it to catering business owners to collaborate with your crispy fried chicken business.

10. Sosis Bakar

Sosis Bakar

The next snack business idea is grilled sausage. This one snack can be found easily at school or in the campus area. The taste is very delicious and coupled with chili sauce and mayonnaise make it liked by many people.

You only have to prepare a little capital to be able to sell this grilled sausage. You can get sausages and sauces at a fairly affordable price. In order to get a cheaper price, you can buy it directly at a wholesale store.

5 Tips for a Successful Snack Business

Even though it looks easy and very promising, if it is not taken seriously and is not familiar with business opportunities, then failure can happen.

There are many things that can affect a person’s success in running this business, including the following.

1. Good Quality

Besides being cheap, snacks also have a high possibility to be consumed repeatedly. So that the snack food business can grow and be in great demand by consumers, try to focus on paying attention to quality.

Good Quality

Use food that is fresh, clean, and does not contain various harmful substances, so it can be safe to be consumed repeatedly.

Don’t forget to also pack the snacks you produce in attractive packaging. This can be an added value for your product and your customers so that it can more easily attract more people.

2. Keep Innovating

Competition in the business sector, including the snack business, will certainly always exist. Avoid competition and create as much distance as possible from your competitors by embedding innovation in your products.

With innovation, your food products will look unique, different and easily recognizable anywhere.

For that, it doesn’t matter if the product you are selling is already on the market as long as the product is different in terms of innovation from other products that have already been circulating.

3. Use the Right Sales Strategy

Today, it seems that all areas of business have the possibility to market their products online and offline. Snack businesses can also use online marketing strategies to increase sales.

Get to know the potential market for this business first, then expand online marketing if possible. Also, provide discounts for bulk purchases and provide free samples or product samples if needed.

Get to know the latest sales strategy trends and then take advantage of them to increase the popularity of your product. For example, by selling through social media or well-known marketplaces that many people know.

4. Bundling with Other Products

If you want to introduce your new product to consumers, then you can create a package that consists of one product that has been added to the new product that you want to market.

For example, when a snack food company wants to introduce a new flavor variant, then you can provide additional products as a bundling from a well-known product package with a half-price purchase.

With this method, consumers will feel enthusiastic and buy because they can try new products that are not yet known at low prices. So, they are not afraid if the taste does not match expectations.

5. Smart Financial Management

When a product has been innovated, widely known by the public, and has a lot of sales, then the last thing to do is manage money well and smartly.

Get in the habit of keeping good financial records. Separate your personal and business finances, grow your business through an estimate of your assets and profits, then make sure there is no leakage of expenses by incurring unnecessary expenses.

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