Several Options for Sore Throat

Sore throat medications are available in several options, ranging from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to antibiotics. These drugs must be used according to the cause of the sore throat to be effective in dealing with the complaints that occur.

Sore throats can be caused by many things, ranging from viral infections, including COVID-19 infection, strep throat, bacterial infections in the throat, allergies, tonsillitis, acid reflux disease, to exposure to cigarette smoke.

In addition, a sore throat can sometimes also be caused by a dry throat, neck or throat injury, and shouting, laughing, or talking too loudly.

A sore throat can be treated with several types of drugs. However, the sore throat medication must be used according to the cause of the sore throat in order to work more effectively.

Several Choices of Sore Throat Medications and Their Uses

Sore throats due to irritation or viral infection generally go away on their own within 5-7 days. However, complaints of a sore throat can sometimes cause discomfort and interfere with daily activities.

To relieve sore throat complaints, there are several types of sore throat medications that can be used, including:

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

To relieve sore throat due to irritation and inflammation, you can use NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Not only relieve pain, the drug can also overcome complaints of fever that sometimes appears along with a sore throat. These drugs can generally be purchased over the counter without a doctor’s prescription.

However, if the sore throat does not go away even though you have used the drug according to the instructions for use, you should consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment.

2. Lozenges ( lozenges )

Lozenges or lozenges are widely sold in pharmacies and drug stores. These sore throat remedies generally contain natural ingredients, such as menthol and licorice, which can relieve pain and itching in the throat.

However, the throat lozenge effect of this sore throat remedy is temporary and does not completely cure a sore throat.

3. Cough medicine

A sore throat often appears accompanied by coughing, either dry cough or cough with phlegm. This persistent cough can make your sore throat worse and make it more difficult to heal.

Therefore, cough medicine can also be used as a sore throat remedy. There are cough medicines that can be purchased over the counter, but some need to be obtained through a doctor’s prescription.

4. Antibiotics

Antibiotics can be used to treat a sore throat caused by a bacterial infection. However, antibiotics must be taken according to the doctor’s prescription and instructions.

If used arbitrarily or inappropriately, antibiotics will not be effective and actually risk causing bacterial resistance or immunity to antibiotics.

5. Mouthwash

Several types of mouthwash, such as mouthwash containing hydrogen peroxide, may be prescribed by your doctor to treat your sore throat.

The sore throat medicine is not only able to clean the mouth, but also inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth and throat, and relieves pain in the throat.

6. Stomach acid reliever medication

Acid reflux disease or GERD occurs when stomach acid rises up into the esophagus. This rise in stomach acid can sometimes make you feel a sore throat.

To treat a sore throat due to GERD, you can use over-the-counter stomach acid relievers such as antacids.

In addition to antacids, GERD usually also needs to be treated with drugs according to a doctor’s prescription, such as PPI drugs and H-2 antagonists that function to reduce stomach acid production.

Relieve Sore Throat with Home Treatments

In addition to using sore throat medications, there are some tips that you can also do to relieve sore throat complaints, including:

1. Gargle with warm salt water

You can gargle with warm salt water to relieve sore throat complaints. The way to make it is quite easy, you only need to mix a teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water. Stir the water until the salt dissolves, then gargle for a few minutes.

You can gargle with salt water every 3 hours until the sore throat feels better.

2. Drink warm water

To relieve irritation and sore throat, you can drink more water. In addition, you can also try other drinks, such as water or warm tea mixed with honey or lemon juice.

These drinks can relieve sore throat complaints and prevent dehydration.

3. Maintain air quality

Keep the room in the house clean and free from sources of pollution, such as cigarette smoke, dust, air freshener, or cleaning products that can cause throat irritation.

If the air in the house is too dry, for example due to the use of air conditioning, you can use a humidifier to increase the quality and level of humidity. This can help speed up the healing of your sore throat and prevent it from recurring.

4. Talk less

To recover from a sore throat faster, you need to get more rest and talk less. You can return to your normal speech when your throat feels better and is no longer sore.

Although generally not a serious illness, you still need to be careful if a sore throat does not go away or is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. Difficulty swallowing or breathing
2. Difficulty moving the mouth or jaw
3. Sputum is yellow or green in color
4. Bleeding cough
5. Fever
6. Ear pain
7. skin rash
8. Hoarseness more than 2 weeks

If you experience a sore throat along with some of the above symptoms, you should consult with your doctor further to get an examination. After the cause is known, the doctor can give a sore throat medication according to the cause.

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