Recognize the Symptoms of DHF in Adults and How to Handle It

Symptoms of dengue fever in adults can range from general symptoms, such as headaches and muscle aches, to severe symptoms, such as bruising to the skin and difficulty breathing. You can find out the various symptoms of DHF in adults and how to deal with them in more detail in this article.

Dengue fever is a type of disease that often attacks people in the tropics, including Indonesia. This disease can affect anyone, including adults.

Therefore, it is important for you to know what are the symptoms of DHF in adults, both mild symptoms and severe symptoms of DHF so that treatment can be done faster.

Symptoms of DHF in Adults

The main symptom of dengue fever in adults is a high fever up to 40 C. In addition, DHF in adults can also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. Headache
2. Pain in muscles, bones and joints
3. Nauseous
4. Throw up
5. Pain at the back of the eye
6. Swollen lymph nodes
7. Rash

Generally, the symptoms of DHF include mild symptoms and will disappear in approximately one week. However, in some cases, the symptoms of DHF in adults can develop to be severe and dangerous, even life-threatening.

Severe dengue fever will cause damage to blood vessels and thrombocytopenia. This condition can lead to a number of other health problems, such as shock, internal bleeding, malfunction of several organs, and even death.

The following are some of the symptoms of severe dengue fever that need to be treated immediately by a doctor:

1. High fever above 40°C
2. Severe stomach ache
3. Vomiting constantly
4. Bleeding in the gums or nosebleeds
5. Blood in the stool, urine, or vomit
6. Bleeding in the skin that appears as bruising
7. Hard to breathe
8. Tired easily
9. Nervous

How to Handle and Prevent Symptoms of DHF in Adults

Until now there is no specific way to treat dengue fever. However, there are some things that really need to be done while experiencing symptoms of DHF, namely getting enough rest, meeting the body’s fluid needs, and consulting a doctor to get the right treatment.

Although it can be life-threatening, dengue can actually be prevented in several ways, namely:

1. Using mosquito repellent, either in the form of mosquito coils, spray, or anti-mosquito lotion
2. Use clothes that cover all skin surfaces, such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks if you are going to have outdoor activities
3. If possible, use a fan or air conditioner when indoors
4. As much as possible, use mosquito nets on windows and air vents in your home

In addition, you can also get rid of places where mosquitoes can breed, such as old tires, cans, flowerpots, or other containers that can hold water to reduce the mosquito population.

Do not hesitate to immediately consult a doctor if various symptoms of DHF in adults attack you or a family member. The doctor will conduct an examination and provide appropriate treatment.

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