Method And Benefits Of Making Ubtan For Children

Caring for a newborn baby also includes massage. Baby massage has been done at our place for years. The elderly women of the house massage the child with great interest. For this, she herself makes a dressing for the newborn baby with her own hands and applies it to the baby. In North India, every child is massaged with mustard oil, no matter how much the modern mother of the child wrinkles her nose. Even today in villages and towns there is a custom of massaging mother and child with mustard paste. Not only this, for this, a skilled masseuse is called who massages and bathes the mother and child for at least a quarter of a month and collects a hefty salary in return. Even the family members never hesitate in giving it.

In this article, let us see the method of making mustard ubtan and other ubtan and their benefits-

Mustard Ubtan

Mustard Ubtan

Mustard is plucked, washed and dried in the sun. Then it is roasted well in a pan. When it cools down, it is ground on the cob. Nowadays, sil-batta is not available in every house, so it is ground in a mixer. Before applying it to the child, it is heated slightly. If you want to thin your chin, you can add preheated and cooled mustard, sesame or coconut oil as per your wish.

Wheat Bran Ubtan

Wheat Bran Ubtan

The bran that remains after sifting the flour is used to make ubtan by adding cream and turmeric to it. Children who cannot apply mustard plasters are treated with this. It removes excess hair from the skin.

Gram Flour Ubtan

Gram Flour Ubtan

It is made by filtering gram flour and adding cream milk and turmeric to it. When some children grow up, they do not like mustard paste, so gram flour paste is applied to them. Rose water can also be added as per wish.

Fenugreek Ubtan

Fenugreek Ubtan

Fenugreek seeds are roasted and ground. A paste is made by adding some milk and coconut oil to it. It is applied to those children who have extra hair on their body.

How To Massage With Ubtan

How To Massage With Ubtan

Massaging with Ubtan has been in practice for centuries. It does not cause any harm unless the child has skin allergy or any disease. Still, the child should be tested once for allergy. If the child does not appear to have any allergy then he can be massaged with rubbing.

  • Initially, make a thin solution and massage the child with a cloth. If it suits him then gradually thicken the mixture.
  • First of all, sit and spread your legs forward. Now make the baby lie down on his stomach on your thighs. And keep applying the rub slowly so that the child becomes comfortable. First, apply ubtan on his back and then on his legs and massage with light hands. Due to your hands and the air, the boil will gradually dry up and you can rub it off.
  • Now make the child lie straight on his feet and apply rubbing. While massaging, rub it also and dust it off.
  • After boiling, massage is also done with mustard oil (pre-heated and cooled).
  • After massage, the child is also made to do light exercises for his hands and legs.
  • The child’s head is massaged gently with mustard oil. The child is left with only oil placed on the soft palate of the head. Which the palate absorbs automatically.
  • Benefits of Ubtan For this, after massage it should be exposed to sunlight for some time. At this time it should be covered with a cotton scarf to prevent tanning. After 10-15 minutes, the baby should be breastfed, burped, wrapped well in cotton cloth and put to sleep.
  • The child should be bathed when he wakes up.
  • While massaging the child, you should also talk to him so that he will find it fun. Earlier, while massaging the child, a folk song called ‘Apatoni’ was sung.

Benefits of Ubtan Massage

  • Ubtan massage increases blood circulation in the child’s body and his body develops faster.
  • The tired muscles of the child’s body get rest. Body pain and stress go away and they sleep peacefully.
  • Using ubtan for a newborn baby removes toxins. The child’s skin gets a glow that remains throughout his life.
  • The benefits of boiling are also that due to oil and sunlight, bones become stronger.
  • It is useful for removing unwanted hair from the body of small children and removes dryness of the skin.
  • Medical science believes that massage is effective in treating diabetes in children.
  • This increases resistance power to combat harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • The udder can be massaged until the child grows.

So in this article, you learned how beneficial Ubtan can be for a newborn baby. You have learned the method of making Ubtan and the benefits of Ubtan in a simple way in the article, hope you liked this information. Try traditional methods of rubbing and massage on your baby only if he does not have any skin-related problems. It is better if only a trained person gives a massage to the baby because they are delicate. For other such useful information, read our other articles also.

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