Know These 7 Living Creatures May Live in Your Body

In fact, we never “live alone”. In fact, even on smooth and delicate facial skin, there may be microscopic animals crawling on it. Hey, scary!

Not only on your face but there may be living things living in other parts of your body. Although disgusting if you think about it, most of them are harmless. In fact, there are “beneficial” for us. Let’s meet!

1. Hair lice

Hair lice

Not a few of us have been “curse” when we were little. Ticks spread quickly, up to 23 cm per minute. They move from head to head through hugs, sleeping in the same place, or through objects such as hats, scarves, and coats, the Treehugger website explains.

The terrible thing is, lice suck blood from the scalp and make the head very itchy. And lice reproduce very quickly! Female lice lay 3-5 eggs per day, hatch in 7-10 days, and become adults in the next 7-10 days. Can you imagine?

To free the head from lice, comb the hair with a special fine-tooth comb that has been moistened with water. Or use a special drug to kill lice and their eggs, such as Peditox, a liquid drug containing 1 percent permethrin.

2. Tapeworms


As the name implies, tapeworms are flat, like ribbons. Its body is made up of segments and can grow up to 30 feet or 10 meters! Can you imagine, how long worms live in our intestines?

We are at high risk of infection if we work on farms, are in places with poor hygiene, eat or drink that contain tapeworm eggs or larvae, such as raw beef or pork, the MD Web page reveals.

Once inside the body, the tapeworm’s head is directly attached to the intestinal wall. The characteristics of being infected with tapeworms are nausea, weakness, stomach pain, loss of appetite, or diarrhea. We will lose weight because tapeworms absorb nutrients from the food we eat. How to Survive Tapeworms (Warning: distressing footage) With How to Survive

3. Demodex


Well, here comes the little creature that unwittingly lives in your face. You can’t see it, because it’s only a third of a millimeter long and transparent. There are two species that live on the human face, namely Demodex folliculorum (living in pores and hair follicles) and D. Brevis (inhabiting oily sebaceous glands ).

Based on a study conducted by a team of researchers from North Carolina State University in Raleigh and quoted by the BBC page, found about 14 percent of people who have this microscopic creature on their face. And the older we get, the more the number of Demodex “lives” with us!

Is this little creature dangerous? Certainly not. According to the MD Web page, Demodex only wants to eat dead skin cells and oil that is on our faces. Although their existence is considered disgusting, we can never get rid of them forever.

4. Skin fungus

Skin fungus

Although its name in English is ringworm, it is not a type of worm. But skin fungus or ringworm. This fungal infection causes a red, ring-like rash on the skin. Most commonly found on the arms and legs, but can appear in other parts of the body.

What caused it? Fungal spores are transmitted between humans through direct skin contact or sharing objects such as towels, combs, and blankets.

Want ringworm to disappear forever? Usually, your doctor will prescribe a topical medication, such as an antifungal cream, ointment, or gel. Meanwhile, to avoid this, make sure to wash your hands after touching animals, don’t share personal items with others, and keep your skin clean and dry, the Healthline page advises.

5. Giardia


Named Giardia lamblia, this tiny intestinal-dwelling parasite causes giardiasis (intestinal infection). This parasite breeds in the soil and can be found in untreated water sources such as lakes, rivers, swimming pools, or wells.

What are the symptoms if you are infected with giardiasis? As reported by the MD Web page, the characteristics are cramps, gas in the body, foul-smelling diarrhea, sulfur-smelling belching, and weight loss.

To avoid Giardia, be sure to wash and cook food properly before consuming it. Boil the water until it really boils, then leave it until the temperature drops and is drinkable.

6. Hookworm


Do you have a habit of walking barefoot? Watch out for hookworms! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 576-740 million people worldwide are infected with hookworms.

In fact, hookworms live in the small intestine. If an infected person defecates outside, hookworm eggs will hatch into larvae. And these larvae can penetrate human skin as in the picture above! Creepy, right?

How to get hookworms out of the skin? According to a study entitled “Treatment of Hookworm Infection” published on the JAMA Network, Tetrachlorethylene was the most effective, eliminating 80-97 percent of hookworms. Hexylresorcinol is also used although its effectiveness is lower, which is 70-75 percent.

7. Lactobacilli bacteria

Lactobacilli bacteria

And finally, there are Lactobacilli, bacteria that are abundant in the vagina. Called good bacteria because it maintains vaginal balance, the first line of defense against microbes that cause vaginal discharge, odor, and itching, maintains vaginal acidity and prevents bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.

Based on a study entitled “Vaginal Lactobacillus Flora of Healthy Swedish Women” published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, a healthy vagina is dominated by lactobacilli. It is not recommended to wash the genitals with vaginal wash because it can reduce 45% of Lactobacillus.

Well, that’s a number of living things that live in your body without you knowing it. We really don’t live alone, do we? According to Origins Explained, 9 Creatures Found LIVING INSIDE The Human Body!

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