Know sign that your heart is not healthy

If the heart has problems, this condition can endanger health. What are the signs of an unhealthy heart?

Heart health is one of the important things that need to be considered in order to avoid various diseases. If the heart has problems, this condition can endanger health.

Basically, the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) functions to supply blood throughout the body.

When compared, the heart is a pump, while the blood vessels are pipes filled with blood that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

If these functions are disturbed, it can affect the overall health of the body.

An unhealthy heart can be seen from various symptoms. Here are the characteristics of a heart problem that you need to watch out for! SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A HEART DISEASE With MEDSimplified

1. Radiating Chest Pain

Chest Pain

A common sign of a heart problem is chest pain that radiates. This pain is usually dull, which is like there is a heavy object pressing on the chest, especially the left.

Pain can radiate to the left arm, neck, and jaw (feels like a toothache), to penetrate to the back.

This complaint can be caused by blockage of the arteries of the heart or commonly known as a heart attack.

2.  Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath can be a symptom of a heart problem. If the function of the heart as a blood pump is disturbed, blood will accumulate in various organs of the body because it is not pumped properly.

One example of this condition is the blood that builds up in the lung tissue. Fluid in the lungs will certainly cause shortness of breath when breathing.

Usually, heart failure is a heart problem that causes this complaint.

3.  Chest Palpitations

The heart pumps blood at a constant and automatic rhythm. The heart doesn’t actually stop working even when you sleep. This function is played by the electric current found in the heart.

Unfortunately, if there is a problem with the flow of electricity, it will cause heart rhythm disturbances called arrhythmias. Arrhythmia will cause chest to feel pounding suddenly without a definite cause.

4. Cough


Generally, coughing is a sign of a disorder in the respiratory tract. But make no mistake, this complaint can also be a symptom of a problematic heart.

A persistent cough without the production of mucus (phlegm) may indicate a heart problem due to fluid buildup in the lungs.

5.  Get tired quickly

Constant fatigue can indicate a heart problem. The heart functions to pump blood to supply oxygen as a source of energy for all cells in the body.

You can tire easily if your body doesn’t get enough oxygen because your heart isn’t pumping properly.

In addition, shortness of breath due to fluid buildup in the lungs also reduces the oxygen you breathe to flow through the blood.

6.  Dizzy

Although the symptoms of dizziness are very common, they can also be a sign of a heart problem. Lack of blood and oxygen intake in the brain due to heart problems will cause dizziness.

In addition to dizziness, symptoms such as easy drowsiness and fainting can also be signs of an unhealthy heart. Generally, the heart problem that causes this condition is arrhythmia.

7. Excessive Sweating

Have you ever sweated a lot when resting, the weather wasn’t hot, or when you weren’t doing strenuous activities? This condition may indicate a heart problem.

Usually, this condition is an early symptom of a heart problem. Or, an early sign of impending heart attack because the body feels uncomfortable.

8.  Swollen Feet

Swollen feet on the backs of the feet, ankles, and calves occur due to a buildup of fluid called edema.

Heart failure can cause fluid buildup in various parts of the body, one of which is the legs.

9.  Erectile Dysfunction

Impaired sexual function in men characterized by erectile dysfunction can be a sign of heart problems. Impotence or not being able to maintain an erection also includes erectile dysfunction.

Erection occurs due to the presence of blood vessels in the penis that are filled with blood so that the size of the penis increases. Heart problems can cause blood flow to the penis to be reduced.

10. Stomach Pain

Indeed, upper abdominal pain is generally caused by stomach problems. However, problems with the lower heart muscle can also cause abdominal pain.
Therefore, for those of you who are old and experience upper abdominal pain, you should be vigilant.

An interview by a doctor, a physical examination, and a heart record is required to confirm the condition.

11. Nausea and Vomiting

An unhealthy heart can cause swelling due to fluid buildup in the abdominal area.

Finally, a full and bloated stomach can cause nausea and vomiting.

Just like abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting are indeed digestive tract complaints.

12. Chest Discomfort

Sometimes, heart problems do not start with pain, but only discomfort in the chest.

Patients will say it feels like someone is pressing their chest, some feel like they are burning or have been hit.

This characteristic of a problematic heart usually lasts a long time and cannot be directly appointed. If you experience it, don’t hesitate to go to the doctor immediately.

13. Pain in the Throat and Jaw

This condition is a symptom of a heart problem if its appearance is accompanied by chest pain or discomfort in the chest.

You are advised to immediately consult a doctor if you experience this condition.

14. Loud Snoring

Snoring during normal sleep is probably normal. However, things will be different if you snore loudly. It could be a sign of an unhealthy heart.

Loud snoring, even gasping or choking, can be a symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing for several times while you are sleeping. This condition will put more pressure on your heart.

These are some of the signs of a heart problem that you need to be aware of. For those of you who have various risk factors for heart disease, you should check with your doctor further.

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