Know How Mustard Crop Is Prepared From Paneeri

Mustard is one of the main oil seed crops of Punjab. Mustard crops such as rapeseed, cabbage mustard and taramira are considered rapeseed on commercial grounds, while rye and African mustard are considered mustard. Khal made from mustard is more beneficial for milch animals. Know the method of preparing the fields and paddy for its sowing.

Field Preparation

Field Preparation

To grow a good crop, it is important to prepare the field well. Plow the field 2-4 times and after each ploughing, level the soil with a hoe. In rainfed areas, plow the field once or twice with a local plow and level the soil every time. For good germination of rapeseed, well-drained soil is required, but too much moisture is not good for the germination of rapeseed.

Cultivation of Cabbage Mustard and African Mustard by Paneeri

Cabbage mustard and African mustard can be successfully cultivated by Paneeri. Where sowing has to be done late (November to mid-December), then give priority to this method. To get more yield, plant Paneeri in the field after threshing it in November.

Making Paneeri

Sow Cabbage Mustard (GSL1) 60 days before planting Paneeri in the field and Sow Canola Cabbage Mustard and African Mustard Paneeri 30 days before. For one acre of Paneeri, 8 marlas (200 square meters) of space is sufficient.

To prepare good Paneeri, proper preparation of the field which has good moisture is necessary. At the time of final planting apply 4.5 kg urea and 4 kg single superphosphate and level the soil. Then sprinkle 400 grams of seed for Cabbage Mustard and 600 grams for African Mustard evenly and mix the seeds thoroughly with a hoe or fine-toothed harrow. Apply a small amount of water 10 days after seed germination. Then water once or twice as per need.

Things To Note

For phosphorus, consider superphosphate fertilizer which contains phosphorus as well as sulfur.

  • For maximum benefits, do mixed farming of rapeseed and cabbage, mustard or barley fodder.
  • Take special care of irrigation during the initial stage of flowering, pod formation and grain formation.

Rubbing Cabbage Mustard and African Mustard Paneeri

Prepare the field properly after irrigation. Make beds at a distance of 45 cm for cabbage mustard and 30 cm for African mustard and plant cheese plants at a distance of 10 to 15 cm. Then fill the beds and apply water immediately after.

Bed Planting

Successful cultivation of Cabbage Mustard Paneeri can also be done on the beds. With this method, yield can be increased by 10-15% and irrigation water can be saved by 20-25%. After preparing the field, apply full phosphorus and half nitrogen fertilizer before final ploughing. Build the bed with the recommended Wheat Bed Planter. Plant two rows of cabbage mustard plants above the bed at a distance of 30 cm from row to row and 10 cm from plant to plant. Water the field immediately after planting Paniari. Apply half the remaining nitrogen fertilizer after 3-4 weeks of first watering and remove the shaper installed behind the bed planter and place the planter in the beds to give it the correct shape.



Rapeseed should be sown after good irrigation. One irrigation can be done in rapeseed as per requirement at the time of flowering. If mustard, cabbage mustard and African mustard are sown after good irrigation (10-12 cm), then the first irrigation should be done after three to four weeks. This will deepen the roots of the plants which is necessary for proper use of fertilizers. If necessary, give second watering to mustard and African mustard crops after flowering. If there is fear of fog, second watering can be applied earlier also. Give second watering to the cabbage mustard crop in the last December or beginning of January. The third and final irrigation can be done in the second fortnight of February. Water should not be given after this, because there is a risk of the crop falling.

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