Kinetic Energy: Definition, Examples, Types, and Formulas

Every moving object is subjected to a force that creates energy. One of them is called kinetic energy. This can happen, for example, when an object moves from one point to another.

Then, what affects kinetic energy and how is it calculated? Check out the description below, come on!

Recognizing kinetic energy

As reported by Live Science, kinetic energy is mass-energy in motion. Simply put, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that exists due to its motion. The higher the speed of movement and the greater the mass of the object, the greater the kinetic energy of the object. According To Najam Academy  Kinetic Energy | Physics

Kinetic energy is included in a scalar quantity. That is, the measurement of kinetic energy is not affected by changes in the basis of the vector space. The International (SI) unit of kinetic energy is the Joule which is equal to 1 kg.m2 .s-2. As for the CGS unit, the unit of kinetic energy is erg.

Examples of kinetic energy

Simple activities, such as walking, jumping, throwing, and even falling involve kinetic energy. In addition, kinetic energy is also implemented into objects, for example, motor vehicles.

Some other examples of kinetic energy, namely:

1. A truck traveling on a road has more kinetic energy than a car. Even if they both run at the same speed. This happens, because the mass of the truck is greater than the car
2. A river flowing at a certain speed contains kinetic energy. This is because water has both velocity and mass
3. Asteroids that fall to earth have enormous kinetic energy, due to the size and speed factor.

In essence, kinetic energy is produced from moving objects, yes.

Kinetic energy transformation

Energy can move from one object to another. This transfer also occurs in kinetic energy. When kinetic energy is transferred to another object, it is possible to change its shape.

For example, on Yo-Yo. Previously, Yo-Yo would be in the palm of the hand. At this time, the energy will be stored as potential energy.

When you start playing by throwing a Yo-Yo, the potential energy turns into kinetic energy because of the movement. When the Yo-Yo is fully rotated below, the kinetic energy is maximized.

Type of kinetic energy

Apparently, kinetic energy can come from anywhere, you know! As reported by Byjus, there are five types of kinetic energy: radiation, thermal, sound, electrical and mechanical. Then, what’s the difference?  What Is The Difference Between Potential And Kinetic Energy? Learn With BYJU’S

1. Radiation or emission

It is kinetic energy that is always moving through a medium or space. For example, ultraviolet light and gamma rays.

2. Thermal or hot

The kinetic energy of the thermal type is produced as a result of the atoms rubbing against each other. This happens because the atoms collide with each other. For example, hot water and hot tubs.

3. Voice

In addition to sound energy, sound also produces vibrations which are part of kinetic energy. Sound energy travels through a medium and cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. Because there are no particles that act as a medium. For example, a tuning fork and a beaten drum.

4. Electricity

Electrical energy is obtained from free electrons which are positively and negatively charged. For example, lightning and battery usage.

5. Mechanical

Kinetic energy and potential energy combined is known as mechanical energy. This energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another. For example, a moving car or an orbiting planet.

Kinetic energy formula

The equation for kinetic energy is calculated by:

I = ½ mv2

With the description EK is kinetic energy, m is mass, and v represents the object’s velocity. The equation represents the nature of the kinetic energy created by mass and velocity.

The equation for kinetic energy is obtained from the derivative or the basic process of calculating the work (W) done by the force (F). Determination of kinetic energy is a scalar quantity based on velocity (v) is the square of the vector quantity is a scalar. The mass is also a scalar quantity. Therefore, kinetic energy is also a scalar quantity.

Example of calculating kinetic energy

1. An object with a mass of 200 kg is moving with a speed of 15 m/s. What is the kinetic energy?

Since the formula for kinetic energy is EK= mv2, then:

EK= ½ (200 kg)(15 m/s)2

EK= 45000 Joules or 45 Kilo Joules.

2. Calculate the mass of an object moving with a speed of 40 m/s and having a kinetic energy of 1500 J!

When you get a question like this, you can tinker with the kinetic energy formula. You do this by entering numbers according to the description or reversing the formula. In a way:

EK= mv2 Atau m= 2KE/v2

1500 J= ½ (m)(40 m/s)2 or m= 2 (1500 J)/(40 m/s)2

The results of both are the same, namely 1.87 kg. So, the mass of the object is 1.87 kg.

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