Itching In Babies: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

If you notice that there are many red dots on your baby’s body surrounded by white and thin lines, looking like threads. So you should understand that your baby is itching. When children are infected with scabies, infants experience an intense itching in the affected area which may lead to scratching. Scabies in infants should be treated immediately. As a parent, you should know what scabies is, what are its symptoms and how to prevent it, as well as how to treat it if the child is affected by it. Come, let us know in detail –

What is scabies and what does it look like?

When children are affected by scabies, it is called infant scabies and is caused by a parasitic germ called Sarcoptes scabiei. This germ pierces the skin on contact and makes microscopic cuts with its mouth and enters the skin. Once inside, it digs up skin cells for its eggs, leaving its eggs along the way. These eggs then hatch into larvae and burrow into the baby’s hair pores and dead skin, leaving rashes all over the body.

What are the causes of itching in babies?

Infants are affected by itching mainly through external sources such as:

  • Having direct contact with a person who is already infected with scabies itching in babies Might be possible.
  • Having direct contact with infected animals.
  • Sharing a bed or wearing the clothes of another child who is infected with scabies.
  • Children may also experience itching due to allergy to any food or food supplement.
  • Babies who spend most of their time in daycare may get itchy.
  • Itching can occur due to a lack of hygiene.

Prevention and care of scabies in babies

To protect your child from scabies infection and to protect other family members, you can adopt the tips given below –

  • Baby’s clothes should be washed separately from other clothes in hot water.
  • Dry the clothes in the sun to kill any germs on the clothes.
  • Make sure the baby wears cotton, soft and loose clothes.
  • itching in babies If possible, trim their nails to avoid scratches.
  • Keeping your home clean and sanitary is the best way to prevent the infection from spreading further.

In some circumstances, when the itching in the child does not go away and gets worse, it becomes necessary to consult a pediatric dermatologist. Usually, experts recommend applying some lotion or cream. Before applying any medicine, you should keep the following points in mind for best results:

  • Bathe your baby with lukewarm water and dry it with a soft towel or cloth. Remember that scrubbing will make the problem worse.
  • Make sure the ointment or cream thoroughly covers the itchy spot on the child’s body.
  • The cream/ointment should remain in the child’s body for 8 to 12 hours.
  • Similarly, wash your baby’s skin thoroughly after 12 hours of applying the cream.

What is the treatment for itching in children?

Treatment of itching in children should always be done under the supervision of a dermatologist, here we are telling some home remedies that can give temporary relief to the child from itching –

Adopt cold compress

Applying cold water to the itchy area also provides great relief, so follow the method given below on the itchy area of ​​the child –

  • Soak a clean towel or washcloth in cold water.
  • Now squeeze this towel or washcloth.
  • Apply a cold compress using a towel on the itchy skin.
  • After removing the towel, apply your baby’s moisturizer to the skin you just treated with a cold compress.

Bathe baby daily


To prevent itching, it is very important to keep the child clean so that the bacteria can be prevented from spreading and growing. While bathing the child, take special care of the following things –

  • Use lukewarm water to bathe the baby, neither too hot nor too cold.
  • After bathing, pat your baby dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer on the skin.
  • Instead of soap and body wash, use colloidal oatmeal, which is made by grinding oats into a fine powder.
  • Colloidal oatmeal softens the skin and also has a soothing effect because it is rich in fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that benefit the skin.
  • Eczema involves a lot of itching, so asking a child to stop scratching can feel very stressful. Stress often makes eczema worse.

Distracting the child from itching can be helpful

Help your child forget about itching. If possible, talk about itching as little as possible and adopt the child’s favorite activity so that he can forget about itching:

  • Play peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek with the child.
  • Feed your child his favorite breakfast.
  • Read a story or song to the child.
  • Pinch the skin near itchy eczema patches. This can reduce itching.
  • Try to keep the child stress-free.

Any unusual rash seen on the child’s skin must be shown to the doctor. If the itching is followed by a bleeding, crusting or pus-filled lesion, this itching can be extremely uncomfortable for babies as the swelling and rashes can cause severe itching. By getting its treatment at the right time, the infection will definitely be cured and the baby will get quick relief from discomfort. However, it is best to take preventive measures to avoid itching.

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