How to Save Electricity Energy

How to Save Energy

Energy saving is an important measure to reduce environmental burdens and reduce electricity consumption. Taking steps such as re-estimating how much energy is required to use household appliances, using lighting as necessary, and insulating heat in homes will help reduce carbon footprints.

1. Rearranging Lighting

1. Create a “lit room” in the house: When the sun goes down, turn on the light in only one main room in your home, and encourage your family to spend the night in that room instead of scattering around the house and lighting each room. Turning on the lights in one room will save a lot of energy and money.

2. Replace electric lights with candles: Saving energy means doing new things with everyday conveniences that we take for granted, like the convenience of having all the lights on and on all night. You don’t have to stop using electric lights completely, but using candles a few nights per week is a great way to save energy, money, and inspire re-evaluation of energy use.

Replace electric lights with candles

In addition to practical reasons to turn off the lights, lighting candles can create an atmosphere of romance or instant eerie fun, depending on who is enjoying it in the room.

1. Start by choosing one night a week to use candles instead of electric lights. Provide a strong, non-flammable candle that will provide good lighting for several hours.
2. On “candle night,” try to do activities that don’t require electricity, such as storytelling or reading by candlelight.
3. Be sure to store candles and lighters in a safe place when not in use.

3. Take advantage of natural light: Take advantage of natural light. During the day, consider the sun as the main light source, and rearrange your home or workplace to take advantage of this light. Open the window blinds and let the light in and don’t turn the top light switch on automatically.

1. If you work in an office, try setting your desk so that it gets natural light, so you don’t have to use a desk lamp or top lamp.
2. At home, set up the family’s main daytime activity area in the brightest room that gets the best sunlight. Drawing, reading, using a computer, and other activities that require good lighting can be done in this room without the need to turn on electric lights.

4. Replace the incandescent lamp: This old type of lamp consumes the most energy due to heat, and does not produce light. Replace incandescent bulbs with small fluorescent bulbs or LED bulbs, which are much more energy-efficient.

1. Small fluorescent lamps use about of the energy than incandescent bulbs. These lamps contain only a small amount of mercury, so make sure you dispose of them properly when they are no longer in use.
2. LED lights are more expensive than other types of lights, but more durable and do not contain mercury.

5. Minimize the use of outdoor lights:

Minimize the use of outdoor lights

Many people don’t think about how much energy a patio lamp or street lamp lights up all night long. Think about whether it’s really necessary to leave the light on after you sleep.

1. If you want to use outdoor lights for safety purposes, consider buying automatic lights that operate using motion detectors, rather than lights that are constantly on.
2. Turn off the decorative lights before going to bed, and don’t wait for the morning to turn them off.
3. Replace street lights and garden lights that charge during the day and light up at night.

2. Reducing the Use of Household Appliances

1. Decide what equipment you really want to use: Your inner voice may say, “I need it all.” However, you’d be surprised at how much energy you can save by using less household appliances, and how much satisfaction comes from being able to be confident. Consider changing habits associated with the following energy-consuming household appliances:

1. Clothes dryer.

Clothes dryer

If an outdoor area is available, make a clothesline and dry clothes outside. You can also use an indoor clothes rack – place it in your bedroom or bathroom near a window. If you must continue to use the dryer, use it less to once a week, rather than having to dry clothes slightly every two days.

2. Dishwasher.


Make sure the equipment is washed really a lot. If you have time to wash the dishes by hand using a water-saving method, that’s even better.

3. Oven.


Heating an electric oven needs a lot of energy. Plan to bake one day of the week, while the oven is hot, and don’t preheat the oven every few days to do various roasts.

4. Vacuum cleaner.

Vacuum cleaner

Sweep the floor whenever you can instead of using a vacuum cleaner. Carpets can also be swept between vacuuming activities to get rid of larger dirt.

2. Unplug all plugs:

Electronic devices and household appliances continuously consume energy when connected to the mains, even when they are “turned off”. Get into the habit of unplugging all unused plugs, especially computers, TVs, and sound equipment, which consumes the most energy.

Unplug all plugs

1. Don’t forget small household appliances such as coffee makers, hairdryers, and cell phone chargers.
2. Determine if it is absolutely necessary to always turn on air fresheners and night lights.

3. Replace old household appliances with newer models: Old household appliances are not always designed for energy savings. If you have an old-fashioned refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, or tumble dryer, you may have wasted a lot of energy (and spent more money) than you really need to do housework. Find out new models of household appliances that are more energy-efficient.

3. Handle Heating and Cooling Efficiently

1. Turn off the air conditioner:

air conditioner

Saving energy sometimes requires small sacrifices and getting used to the summer heat is one of them. Leaving the air conditioner on all the time is a big action to use up a lot of energy and make your electricity bill swell.

1. Turn off the air conditioner when you are not at home. There’s no reason your home has to stay cool when you’re at the office.
2. Use the air conditioner only for one or two rooms where you spend a lot of time there. Close the door to a room equipped with a cooler to keep cool air inside.
3. Cool down in other ways. Take a cool shower on a hot day, go for a swim, or spend time in the shade of a tree. Try to limit the use of air conditioning to a few hours a day.

2. Set the house a few degrees cooler in the winter: Heating a house is a huge waste of energy. A possible way to reduce the amount of energy you expend is to lower the thermostat a few degrees in winter. Keep yourself warm by wearing several layers of clothing and using blankets.

3. Perform temperature isolation at home: Keeping the air cool or warm, depending on the season, is an important way to conserve energy. If windows are left open, the air conditioner or fireplace will have to work hard to keep things at a constant temperature.

1. Hire a contractor to study your home and determine what insulation is best to apply to the ground onion room, foundation, attic, and other areas.
2. Use caulk and adhesive to patch cracks in doors and windows. Use plastic coatings on windows during winter to keep windy air from entering the house.

4. Use a little hot water: Use a little hot water. Taking short showers in colder water can reduce the amount of water your water heater needs to heat it regularly. Washing clothes on a cold setting is another way to avoid using too much hot water.

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