How to Reverse the Signs of Aging on the Lower Face

Signs of aging and lower face aging care

Droopy cheeks and sagging cheeks are common signs of aging in the lower face, an area often ignored by mainstream aestheticians.

Over 3,000 years ago, the Egyptians recognized the cosmetic importance of the lower face and neck, and Queen Nefertiti (1370 to 1330 BC) was considered the most beautiful woman of her time for thousands of years. She was known and revered for her long, graceful neck and elegant face, which tapered to a sharp chin and jawline.

As a cosmetic surgeon, it is important to consider the lower face when looking for ways to preserve your beauty. The lower face is an even more important area when it comes to age-related changes, as most middle-aged adults develop sagging tissues and skin around the jawline. When these tissues become loose, the face appears angular and the jawline flattens and loses volume.

The loose skin and dependent tissues sink below the jawline and are commonly referred to as “cheeks”

Perhaps the reason why treatment options for the lower face are overlooked is that many aestheticians attend one-day Botox courses in the UK, where they only learn how to place the needle and inject. These “jacks-of-all-trades” focus on botulinum toxin type A (Botox) treatment in the three most common areas of the upper face (i.e. frown lines, forehead, and around the eyes to treat crow’s feet).

Plastic surgeons continue to perform surgical treatments on the lower face, pulling the tissue back and up (surgical facelift). However, for most patients, the need for surgery must be questioned.

Another disadvantage of a surgical facelift is that it can result in a distorted appearance and an elongated face that “looks like it’s caught in a wind tunnel.

Non-surgical Botox chin lift

A non-surgical chin lift is one option for treating jawline growth. This procedure can now be combined with other procedures to increase its effectiveness.

A non-surgical chin lift is simply a combination of two relatively simple Botox techniques for the lower face, which relax the important facial muscles that retract the skin and tissue of the lower face.

The platysma muscle is located in the front of the neck and has the function of pulling the skin and tissues of the lower face and jawline apart. The platysma muscle is treated with a series of superficial Botox injections. To prevent a depressive effect on the facial skin around the mouth and jaw.

The submucosal muscle is also a small triangular muscle located on each side of the mouth. When this muscle contracts, the corners of the mouth are lowered and the tissue around this area is pulled down.

In the hands of an experienced specialist, Botox treatment of the lower face is safe and can produce excellent results. I would be wary of specialists who do not have good anatomical knowledge or who do not pay attention to the surrounding muscles of the face and larynx. Which can be affected by inappropriate injections.

Recent advances have allowed us to combine Botox treatments in the lower face. With other new treatments to provide better treatment options for the lower face.

Personally, I prefer medical micro-needling to tighten the skin and skin tissue around the chin. In addition to Botox treatment on the lower face.

Micro-needling on the chin

Microneedling in the lower face is used to tighten loose skin tissue around the jawline. The procedure is performed with little or no discomfort, as the cream is applied beforehand for local anesthesia.

Also, micro-needling usually causes a slight redness that disappears after a few hours and can be easily concealed with makeup.

Microneedling creates tiny microchannels in the skin, which heal and contract, firming the skin. This healing process also produces more collagen and other substances that rejuvenate the skin.

Unlike other skin tightening treatments, micro-needling relies on the body’s own healing processes to rejuvenate and tighten the skin. Other skin tightening treatments, such as laser and radiofrequency treatments, cause the skin to shrink due to thermal damage.

Microneedling is relatively safe, but the long-term effects of laser and especially microwave treatments are unknown.

In addition, after a micro-needling treatment, small grooves are formed in the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis. Which allows the active cosmetics to penetrate more effectively into the deeper dermal layer. Further stimulating collagen production and thus strengthening the sagging skin.

The micro-needling treatment is repeated every six weeks after the initial treatment. As a rule, three micro-needling treatments are required. The treatments are performed under local anesthesia using an appropriate micro-needling device.

About Author

Samuel is a freelance writer, linguist, and communications expert based in Southern Europe. At age 10, she read a book called “1001 Questions about the Human Body” and has since dedicated her life to breaking down the complexities and myths around the human body like the Treatment for smokers line in Norwich and the culture surrounding it, especially in relation to mental and physical health. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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