How to Build a Warehouse Step-by-Step

A warehouse will solve the problem of storing outdoor tools and equipment. The shed will be a great place to work on projects without making the garage messy. To create a basic warehouse, follow the instructions below.

It should be noted that what is discussed in this article is warehouse planning of a certain type, but you can modify it to suit your needs.

1. Level the ground (if needed) and install dowels in a grid to support the barn floor

The posts will be the supporting structure for the beams under the barn floor. In a simple design, the pegs are spaced 1.8 m on one side and 1.2 m apart to create a 3.6 x 2.4 m grid. This is a convenient size as you will need exactly 3 sheets of 1.2 x 2.4 m plywood to cover.

-Note that in some countries, you must obtain a permit before undertaking foundation work. If you prefer not to apply for a permit, you can build the shed above ground using beams (see below) which are allowed to be placed on the ground without a permit measuring 102×152 mm using precast concrete.

2. Install the support beams on top of the pegs in a longitudinal direction:

The beams will support your floor installed in the opposite direction. The easiest way to attach the joists to dowels is with a metal plate fastener that already has holes for nails. In this design example, the beam used is a 3.6 m long 10X15 cm beam.

3. Install the rim beams on the support beams and separate them according to the block:

1. First you need to install the rim beams along the outer edges of each outer supporting beam; Each rim beam must be the same length as the supporting beam below it.

2. Then, you need to install the floor joists in the opposite direction along the support beams. The length should be as long as the distance between the rim beams so this beam goes between the two rim beams. In this design example, the floor joists are 36.25 cm apart except for the outermost one, which is 34.9 cm from the previous beam; this distance allows a standard sheet of plywood to align with the outer edge of the outer beam but overlap half of the inner beam and subsequent beams will be able to support the other plywood.

3. To keep the floor joists in place, place pieces of blocking joists or center joists between each pair of floor joists along the center of the support joists.

4. Nail the plywood sheets to the floor joists to form the flooring:

If necessary, use H clips as additional reinforcement in addition to nails; installed between two sheets of plywood and locking it to make the structure stronger. In the design example, two pieces of 1.2 x 2.4 m plywood were used intact and one-third of them was sawn in half and used to fill in the remaining 1.2 m of flooring at both ends. Due to the designed spacing between the posts, support beams, and floor joists, no additional cuts or adjustments are required. Note that the arrangement of the plywood sheets is intentionally “shuffled” so the floor doesn’t have a single sheet of wood covering the entire floor, which would be a significant structural weakness.

1. Floors can also be bolted with floor bolts measuring 7.5 cm.

5. Build the frame to the four sides of the wall:

To take into account that the front and back walls will be different (due to the door frame on the front wall) and the sidewalls will have to be tilted (to avoid rain pooling on the roof), each wall will be handled a little differently. It’s easier to build the back wall first, then the front wall, and the last two sidewalls, as shown in the numbered images below. See the article How to Build a Wall Frame for more detailed information before you read the instructions below.

1. Build the frame for the back wall

Make the top and back beams (or slabs) the same length as the base floor. To keep the measurement simple, the distance between the vertical posts or wall posts is the same as the distance between the floor beams, remember that the back wall must be lower than the front wall so that the roof slopes backward and avoids rainwater pooling in front of the barn door.

2. Build a frame for the front wall

The front wall should be the same as the back wall but taller and have a door frame so you can install the barn door once you’re done.

3. Build a frame for the side walls

The base plate of each sidewall must be the same length as the distance between the base plates of the front and back walls (so the sidewalls will fit between them). The standard distance between vertical wall joints in the US is 20 cm (from axle to axle, not edge to edge); since it is rare that these posts do not diverge completely into the total distance between the two sidewalls in the design example, the two outer joints will differ i.e. slightly closer to the direct connection next to them. Most importantly, the top plate will be angled so that the roof is also sloping, which makes the height of each wall post slightly different. If you are not sure in calculating the height required by each vertical post at the beginning, then make the two outermost vertical posts first, placing them at the right distance,

4. Assemble the structure of the four walls. The wall structure is usually nailed to the supports from the bottom up. However, if this isn’t possible with the design you’ve chosen, simply nail it down through the plywood and floor joists or by driving the nail down at an angle. Note that you may need someone else’s help to hold the wall structures together until they are glued together.

6. Install the rafters/roof beams and separate them from the center beam:

The beams will support your shed roof for increased protection against the weather. Again the size will be very simple if you space the roof beams like floor beams. When you have finished installing the roof joists, place the piece of roof joist between each pair of roof joists along with the top plate.

7. Nail the plywood sheets to the roof joists to form the roof:

If you add a roof overhang, the arrangement of the plywood sheets will be different from the arrangement for the floor.

8. Close the wall:

You can use planks, textured plywood, or anything else that can cover the walls of your shed.

9. Add tar paper to the roof

Starting at the lower end of the sloping roof, working your way up, making sure that each piece of paper stacks on the bottom to prevent rainwater from entering through cracks or gaps between the tar paper. You can also use shingles or other roof covering materials.

Know Tips To make a Warehouse:

1. Ramps are better than stairs because you’ll be able to push the equipment with wheels to get in and out of the shed with ease.
2. If you are planning to finish the inside of the barn, you should add boards at each corner as a surface for nailing.
3. You can install fiberglass to produce natural lighting in the barn.
4. Provide air circulation for your warehouse
5. Don’t skimp on windows
6. Choose a good placement location. There are two types of warehouse construction; who chose the location on aesthetic grounds and who chose the first available place. Unfortunately, neither of these are effective ways to choose the location of your warehouse construction.


1. If you have not already done so, survey and tag your property
2. Don’t nail your finger!
3. Check the zoning at your location to see if warehouse construction is allowed.
4. Before you start construction check the local regulations at your city’s building department to see if you need a permit to build this shed.

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