Just 4 Days After Fertilization
What? This zygote does not look like a human at all! To be honest, this is the first form of human being and it is alive. Even in this form, this zygote has chosen its gender and DNA (boy or girl). His DNA will develop his body for the next 9 months and even his entire life. Know How Does A Baby Come Into The Womb?
Only After 5-6 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Despite being a quarter in length, its nose, mouth and ears have started to take shape! His heart is beating 100 times a minute (twice more than yours) and blood has started flowing in his body. The brain waves were formed 2-3 weeks in advance.
At 7 Weeks Of Pregnancy

At 10 Weeks Of Pregnancy

All the organs of his body have started functioning: kidney, intestine, brain and liver have all started functioning. His little hands and legs have started turning.
In 12 Weeks

Moss has started forming in his body, and due to this the child starts stretching his body and kicking. If you place your hand on your stomach, it will move itself to answer you.
in 16 weeks

This week everything of the child starts growing. Soon the hair on his head will start growing and the nails on his toes will start growing. Every day his heart supplies 23 liters of blood to the entire body.
The baby starts sucking the thumb at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, prints started appearing on his fingers.
in 6 months

The baby can now move after hearing external sounds and his pulse is increasing. If the baby hiccups, the mother will feel movements in the stomach.
In 6-7 Months

8 Months After Getting Pregnant

The baby can now hear and recognize his mother’s voice. Her skin has turned pink and she has started looking cute. Extra fat is necessary in the child because after birth, that fat maintains the body temperature of the child.