Homeopathy Treatment For Constipation in Children

Parents have to take utmost care of every small thing related to their children. Be it a common cold or symptoms of constipation in children. Talking about the symptoms of constipation in children, constipation is a problem that affects people of any age.

Generally, people give preference to home remedies and homeopathy to relieve the symptoms of constipation in adults as well as children. In such a situation, it is important for parents to know whether homeopathic treatment of constipation in children is safe. If yes, then in what situations should they use homeopathy treatment for constipation in children and when should it be avoided?

We are going to give answers to various questions related to this in this article, and will also talk about the opinion of the homeopathy specialist doctor.

How to recognize the symptoms of constipation in children?

Symptoms of constipation in children may include:

  • child’s refusal to eat
  • spitting again and again
  • Abdominal distension
  • difficulty passing stools
  • dry or hard stools
  • stomach pain and cramps
  • going potty less than three times a week
  • being unnecessarily irritable
  • having a migraine

Can constipation be treated homeopathically in children?

Yes, constipation in children can be treated homeopathically. This information has been given by the Government of India, Ministry of AYUSH itself. The AYUSH Ministry has recommended various medicines as homeopathic remedies to relieve the symptoms of constipation in newborns and young children, which include:

1. Alumina 30

Alumina 30 supplements have been suggested as a homeopathic treatment for constipation in children. However, this medicine should be given only to those children who consume artificial baby food in excess. Apart from this, if any changes are seen in the health of the child after drinking formula milk, then Alumina 30 supplements can be given for the homeopathic treatment of constipation in such children.

2. Bryonia 30

According to the Ministry of AYUSH, Bryonia 30 supplements can also be a homeopathic treatment for constipation in children. If the child has become more irritable due to constipation, then Bryonia 30 dosage can be given to treat constipation in such children.

3. Parafinnum 30

Parafinnum 30 is also a homeopathic remedy for constipation in children. However, its dosage should be given only to those children who have very hard stools due to constipation.

Note: Keep in mind that before using any of the medicines mentioned above, definitely consult a doctor. The Ministry of AYUSH has also issued this advice in its tweet.

So, these were the views of the Ministry of AYUSH on homeopathic treatment of constipation in children. Along with the advice of the Ministry of AYUSH, here we consult homeopaths and Clinical Nutritionists Also giving advice.

If the child is allergic to homeopathy medicine, then how to treat constipation in children at home?

Consulting Homeopath and Clinical Nutritionist Says “Well, the possibility of allergy to homeopathy medicine is very rare. The medicines used in homeopathy are very mild and potent, which makes the medicines useful and safe for people of all ages without any side effects.”

“However, if a child is allergic to homeopathy medicine, then after consulting a pediatrician, the problem of constipation in the child can be cured with some home remedies, such as:”

  • Feed the child a fiber-rich diet like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  • Provide plenty of water and liquid drinks to the child throughout the day.
  • To get relief from constipation in children, feed them ripe bananas and soaked raisins.

Along with the advice of the Ministry of AYUSH and homeopathy experts, also keep in mind that one of the most common causes of constipation is bad eating habits. At the same time, if we talk about the habits of children, most of the children make faces after seeing homemade food and are always attracted towards eating junk food.

In such a situation, parents should keep proper monitoring of their child’s eating and drinking habits. If the child refuses to eat home-cooked food, then you can prepare bagar, chaat, samosa, and pizza for the child in healthy ways at home. Just keep in mind to use healthy and alternative food ingredients in making them. So that the child can eat home-cooked dishes and also remain healthy.

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