Hives Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Hives Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Hives Meaning

Urticaria, or also known as hives, is a condition in which there are raised and itchy skin lesions. Generally, these lesions are red, pink, or skin-colored, and can sometimes be painful. In most cases, urticaria is caused by an allergic reaction to a medication or food, or a reaction to an irritant in the environment.

In some cases, urticaria is a temporary condition and can be treated with medication for allergies. Most rashes due to urticaria also subside on their own. However, if it occurs repeatedly, or if the urticaria is accompanied by other signs and symptoms of allergy, it may require immediate treatment.

Hives Symptoms

The most typical sign and symptom of urticaria is the presence of raised rashes on the skin. The rash can be reddish, but can also be the same color as the skin. The rash can be small and round, ring-shaped, or large and shapeless.

Rashes that appear on the skin are generally accompanied by itching and can occur in groups on the skin of the body parts involved. The rash may also enlarge, change shape, or spread.

Rashes that appear on the skin can disappear and appear during the course of the disease. The duration of the rash may vary, from as little as half an hour to an entire day. The rash may also change color to whiter when pressed.

Sometimes, the appearance of a skin rash can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, etc., which require immediate treatment.

Hives Reason

Urticaria is often caused by an allergic reaction to something that was exposed to or ingested. When a person has an allergic reaction, the body releases histamine into the bloodstream.

Histamine is a chemical substance produced by the body to protect itself against foreign objects or substances. However, in some people, histamine can cause the swelling, itching, and other symptoms experienced with hives.

Trigger factors for allergic reactions, which are referred to as allergens, can be plant pollen, medication, food, house dust mites, insect bites, and so on.

Urticaria can also be caused by things other than allergies. Occasionally, some individuals may experience urticaria due to stress, tight clothing, or certain health conditions.

Apart from that, a person can also experience urticaria due to excessive exposure to temperatures that are too cold or too hot, or also due to excessive sweating. Because there are various things that have the potential to trigger urticaria, it is often difficult to determine the cause.

People who are known to have allergies have a higher risk of developing urticaria. A person may also be at risk for developing urticaria if they take certain medications or are accidentally exposed to things that cause an allergic reaction in that individual, such as certain foods or plant pollen.


The diagnosis of urticaria can be determined from a detailed medical interview, direct physical examination of the skin, and certain supporting examinations if deemed necessary.

The doctor will ask what symptoms you are experiencing, history of skin lesions, when the lesions appeared, previous history of allergies, possible triggering factors for skin lesions, and so on. After that, the doctor will carry out a physical examination to evaluate the lesions on the skin, as well as the presence of other signs and symptoms.

One of the supporting examinations that can be carried out is a skin prick test to determine the type of allergen that triggers an allergic reaction. In addition, blood tests can also be done if deemed necessary.

Hives Treatment

Once the diagnosis is determined, the doctor can prescribe medication to reduce the signs and symptoms you are experiencing. However, it should also be remembered that the main treatment for allergies is to avoid allergens that are thought to trigger urticaria.


In urticaria caused by allergies, it is highly recommended to avoid allergens that are thought to trigger allergic reactions.

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