Habit of Children Hitting Other Children: Causes and Solutions

Habit of Children Hitting Other Children: Causes and Solutions

It can be upsetting and heartbreaking for any parent to pick up a child after school and hear them complaining about hitting other kids. It may happen, especially if similar incidents have happened in the past. It’s not your parenting fault or your child going through some psychological condition, nor is it a phase that your child will come out on his own and this habit will be broken. If this habit is not corrected in time, it becomes a part of the personality.

If your child hits other children or hits them, then read these tips to change this behavior:

See serialization (pattern)

Whenever you come across a complaint that your child has raised his hand on another child, first find out the reason for this behavior. In most cases, children are unable to express or understand certain emotions and as a substitute. They resort to killing. For example, if a nursery class child hits others it shows his tantrum. Once you identify the patterns or triggers, try to correct them. Do not encourage this behavior in the child at all.

Stay with your child

If you feel that your child is getting into the habit of hitting other children, go ahead and stay as close to your child as possible. This gives them more confidence to handle any unpleasant situation and they become confident that if they cannot handle the situation, they can seek your help.

Do not raise your hands on the child

No matter how angry, frustrating, or irritating your child’s behavior may be to you, never use your hand to correct them or stop their behavior. First, it will make your child feel like you can prevent any unpleasant situation or incident. Raising one’s hand is the right reaction for a person and secondly, some of the unexplained and unresolved emotions arising in his mind will make him more irritable, thereby increasing his aggressive nature.

Respond calmly

Before approaching your upset child, calm yourself. Take some deep breaths and try to remove the stress from the body. It’s natural for you to feel upset or worried at this kind of behavior, but before you talk to your child, you need to calm your emotions. Children pick up on your negative emotions and this can make their troubled mental state worse.

Respond immediately

If you hear about your child hitting another child, talk to your child immediately. Waiting until you get home or talking later will prevent your child from relating to the situation and understanding its consequences. Tell your child in a loving but firm voice ‘It’s not okay to hit someone’. Ask your child to apologize to the other child, and if necessary, you too apologize with the child, and then, the child Remove from there for some time.

Be extra vigilant on your child

Until you resolve the child’s problem of hitting other children, keep an extra eye on him to prevent such situations. You can also ask for help from teachers or caregivers at school in this task so that these unpleasant incidents do not happen again in the future.

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