Get to know five Examples of Ornamental Channa Fish Species

Since 2021, Channa’s popularity has skyrocketed. For those who don’t know, Channa itself refers to the genus (marga) of cork-gabusan. Yup, they are no different from the cork fish that we often eat as a side dish for rice.

However, in addition to consumption, there are several species that are often used as ornamental fish, you know. Their beautiful body pattern has successfully captivated fish fans. Curious about anything? The following IDN Times Community summarizes information about five examples of ornamental Channa fish species!

1. Channa boat

Talking about Channa fish, you can’t miss this one species. Is Channa barca, one type of ornamental cork which is expensive. Practical Fishing says that the price has reached £ 5,000 ( pound sterling ) or around Rp 90 million per head.

Also known as the barca snakehead, this species is native to northern India, from the Brahmaputra River in North Assam and Nagaland. Its natural habitat is wetlands which usually dry up in winter. During this period, Channa barca will hide in a burrow 1 meter deep while waiting for summer to arrive.

As one of the dreams of fish fans, Channa Barca’s body pattern is indeed a feast for the eyes. Black spots and stripes all over the body along with the fins harmoniously blend with the greenish body. Aquainfo reports, this fish is able to grow up to 80–90 cm.

2. Channa micropeltes

Channa micropeltes

Channa micropeltes alias toman is a species of cork native to Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, and of course Indonesia—especially on the islands of Kalimantan, Bangka and Belitung, as well as the northern part of Java Island.

Just like Channa striata (common cork), toman also includes fish consumption. However, not infrequently they are used to decorate the aquarium. However, Channa micropeltes can grow so large, that is, up to 100–130 cm, reported Seriously Fish. That’s why Toman also got the nickname giant snakehead (giant snakehead fish).

In addition to being the largest species of cork, fish that inhabit lowland waters (including rivers, swamps, waterways, and reservoirs) with slow currents are also the most ferocious species. They do not hesitate to attack each other or other types of fish that are even bigger than them.

Because of its aggressive nature, it is quite dangerous to carelessly release Channa micropellets. This is because the toman can threaten the existence of native fish —either native fish lose their competitiveness in finding food or end up being preyed upon.

3. Channa argus

Channa argus

The next type of ornamental Channa fish is Channa argus or northern snakehead. Referring to National Geographic, this type of cork comes from China, southern Siberia, and North Korea. However, this species has also spread to other regions, such as Japan, North America, and Central Asia.

Like his other siblings, Channa argus also has a long body (44–72 cm) and a snake-like head. Her skin was pale-golden brown and her body was covered with pretty spots. Maybe that’s why so many people keep it.

This predatory fish is also equipped with dagger-sharp teeth and fangs on the lower jaw. This arrangement of teeth makes it easier for them to hunt fish, insects, or amphibians.

Additionally, according to Animal Diversity Web, Channa argus is the most cold-resistant species of cork. They can survive in an environment of 0–30 degrees Celsius, even under the ice sheet!

4. Channa pleurophthalma

Channa pleurophthalma

Regarding the spots or spots on the body, the shellfish doesn’t want to lose, guys. Has the scientific name Channa pleurophthalma, there are 3-4 black spots surrounded by yellow or orange on the green body.

Specifically, the spots that look like eyes are located on the gills, sides of the body, and tail. This characteristic is also what makes it called Channa pleurophthalma — according to Seriously Fish, pleurophthalma comes from the Ancient Greek meaning ‘side eye’.

FYI, the baskets are actually Indonesian, you know! You can find this cork on the island of Sumatra and the Kapuas and Barito rivers in Kalimantan. Its body reaches a maximum of 40 cm, Channa pleurophthalma inhabits rivers and mangrove forests. Unfortunately, in 2019, this fish was included in the Near Threatened category on the IUCN Red List.

5. Channa aurantimaculata

Channa aurantimaculata

Last but not least, Channa aurantimaculata also includes ornamental cork fish, Guys. The pattern is no less beautiful where her brown body is decorated with orange spots. From there too, this cork got its name —aurantimaculata comes from the Latin, namely aurantium which means ‘orange’ and maculatus which means ‘spot’.

According to Aqua Info, this fish is also native to the northern part of India. Specifically, Channa aurantimaculata is an endemic species of the Brahmaputra River, Assam. They coexist with other cork, namely C. andrao and C. bleheri, in the waters of tropical rain forest areas.

The conservation status of the cork, which can measure 35–40 cm in length, cannot be known for sure because the IUCN still lacks data. However, according to Goswani, et al. (2006), Seriously Fish launches, the population of Channa aurantimaculata in the wild has been classified as “worrisome” due to large-scale fishing for consumption and ornamental fish.

The eye-catching pattern makes the corks above used as ornamental fish. In addition to the five species, there are other types of Channa fish, you know. Those who claim to be ornamental fish lovers, try mentioning them in the comments column!

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