Five Symptoms of Neuropathy That Are Often Ignored

Not a few people are aware when their nervous system is disturbed. Symptoms that appear are sometimes only underestimated as the effect of fatigue or not something that is dangerous. For example, signs such as tingling or sweating.

Maybe you often experience these kinds of symptoms. Though this can be a sign of neuropathy or nervous system disorders. Well, know some of the symptoms of neuropathy below that are often overlooked.

Symptoms of neuropathy that are often overlooked

Neuropathy is dysfunction or disorder of the nervous system, causing a tingling sensation, numbness, to weakness in the related area. This nerve damage has a variety of symptoms, depending on the location and the nervous system affected.

Damage can occur in the nerves of the brain and spinal cord. Both are the central nervous system. However, the damage can affect the peripheral nerves ( peripheral neuropathy ) located throughout the body, outside of brain tissue, and the spine.

The peripheral nervous system is a pathway that connects to the central nervous system to transmit information. When neuropathy occurs, nerve cells are damaged. This results in impaired communication between the nerves and the central nervous system.

Generally, there are signs that arise when a person has neuropathy. Symptoms that appear may often be considered not a serious problem. Come on, try to see if you have symptoms related to neuropathy.

1. Dead race

Numbness, loss of sensation in certain areas of the body. This is one of the symptoms of neuropathy that should not be ignored. Sometimes people do not realize that the numb body part is injured. Because they do not feel pain in that part.

Although numbness is not a serious problem, you should see a doctor to determine the condition of your body. Have neuropathy or symptoms of a certain medical condition.

2. Tingling

How often do you tingle and ignore this? Perhaps tingling is common when you press your feet in a certain sitting position for too long, thereby blocking blood flow. For symptoms of neuropathy, tingling occurs in the hands and feet.

This tingling sensation is like being pricked by needles in the leg area. The sensation spreads from the hands to the arms and from the soles of the feet to the entire foot. Sometimes the sensation that arises is like an electric shock or even a burning sensation.

3. Weak muscles

An often overlooked symptom of neuropathy is muscle weakness. This muscle weakness is felt when you try to lift or move an object with your hand, but it falls out of your hand instead.

In addition, the muscles feel weak in moving the legs or arms. This sensation is more pronounced when you are walking. In some people who lose coordination, they can fall while walking. Symptoms of muscle weakness are not to be underestimated.

4. Low blood pressure

Another early symptom of neuropathy is low blood pressure followed by an abnormal heart rate. For example, dizziness or lightheadedness when standing, fainting, until the head feels cloudy.

5. Digestive system and bladder disorders

Signs of damage to the nervous system also affect other organs. It is possible for people at risk of neuropathy to have problems with the urinary tract and digestive system.

There are several other disorders experienced as symptoms of neuropathy, including diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Even in some cases can cause weight loss without him knowing it.

Reduce the symptoms of neuropathy by consuming vitamin B

Nervous system disorders or neuropathy can be experienced by anyone. There is nothing wrong with seeing a doctor if you experience the above symptoms.

Associated symptoms may hinder work or activities. You can take care of the health of the nervous system through supplements of vitamins B1, B6, and B12. All three are able to protect the nervous system from damage and reduce the symptoms of neuropathy.

A study in the journal Vitamins & Minerals also showed B vitamin supplementation can support the repair of damaged nervous systems, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration. B vitamins are also useful for relieving pain and inflammation.

So, so that activities are not disrupted due to symptoms of nervous system damage, always take vitamin B supplements and don’t forget to read the rules for use.

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