11 Apps and Features on Google Chrome that Make it Easy for You

Features on Google Chrome that Make it Easy for You

Agree or not, now applications made by Google have made it easy when the world has become more busy, fast-paced, and endless tasks. We are overwhelmed by tasks that must be completed with tight deadlines, one of which is Google chrome

Many tools or devices also become obsolete so it’s important to know when to make adjustments to these tools. The best features that Google has built are now the right tools to help increase efficiency in everyday tasks. Especially in this day and age where many people have to work on a PC or laptop.

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time, or haven’t been able to reach the targets you’ve set recently? Take a break, and see what we’ve rounded up to make your job easier with new and innovative ways to increase productivity.

In this article, I outline 11 features and apps in the Google Chrome browser that can help you do just that.


1 1. Minimizing Tabs
2 2. Incognito mode (Incognito)
3 3. Save Webpage as PDF File
4 4. Open recently closed Tab
5 5. Solving Math Problems
6 6. Playing Media Files
7 7. Navigate Quickly Between Tabs
8 8. Stay Focused
9 9. Grammarly for Editing
10 10. Loom
11 11. Chrome Calendar Extension

Also read: What is Content Marketing

1. Minimizing Tabs

Honestly, we all have more than a dozen tabs open on our computers sometimes. One neat trick to keep most of them open is to turn them into pinned tabs. In Google Chrome you can right-click a tab and select the “Pin Tab” or “Pin” option. This turns tabs into icons that allow you to continue multitasking.

The big benefit of the “Pin Tab” feature is that you can’t accidentally close this tab because the “X” (close /close) disappears after pinning it.

2. Incognito mode (Incognito)

Google Chrome is very easy to use and intuitive. However, Google collects our browsing data. So to fix this you can use Incognito Mode. This feature does not save your browsing or download history. You can activate or access it in three different ways:

  • Press Ctrl / Command + shift + N
  • Select File Menu and select New Incognito Window
  • Download the New Incognito Window extension

This feature is especially useful if you prefer to save your browsing history and use it for future ads or suggested pages.

3. Save Webpage as PDF File

Have you ever browsed through interesting or important information and then forgot to bookmark it or save it in your “favorites”, making it impossible to find it again? Chances are you often do this right?

Fortunately, there is an easy solution. You can save web pages as PDF files. On your keyboard, press control/command + p and you will be able to save the web page as a PDF.

4. Open recently closed Tab

Have you ever opened dozens of tabs and suddenly you accidentally closed your browser? It may happen to all of us. You can easily restore all tabs using two approaches. Don’t panic if this happens because there are workarounds and workarounds for it.

One way is to press Ctrl/CMD + Shift + T.

Another way is to click on the three vertical dots in your browser and hover over “History”.

5. Solving Math Problems

The Google Chrome browser is not just looking for relevant and updated information. He is also able to do some math problems. In the Omnibox (Chrome’s address bar or URL), you can do math exercises.

For example, if you’re struggling with percentages, you can search for 20 percent of x amount and it will return immediately. Pretty practical, right?!

6. Playing Media Files

Do you often have difficulty playing or watching video files? Well, once again Chrome comes to the rescue. You can listen to or play videos of any type of movie or music file (mp3, mp4, .mov, .mkv, .ogv, .webm, .wav, etc.) by simply dragging the file to the search bar.

Apart from that, you can also view images, PDF files, and Microsoft Office files.

7. Navigate Quickly Between Tabs

With so many tabs that you have open, of course you will find it difficult to navigate. Instead of clicking each tab, you can use hotkeys like Ctrl+Tab to navigate through all the different tabs. You can also navigate to the first tab by pressing Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, and so on. If you want to switch to the last tab, press Ctrl-9.

8. Stay Focused

The Internet today has extraordinary capabilities. Sometimes we want to get work done, but we are all human. We sometimes procrastinate by visiting websites that we really like, or maybe take a break by watching a movie on Netflix, a video on YouTube, or browsing Facebook.

With the StayFocusd Chrome extension, you can really stay focused and get more done in less time.

These extensions naturally help you stay more productive by limiting the amount of time you spend on websites. You can set the time and it will automatically block these sites after a certain period. To use it, you can visit this link.

9. Grammarly for Editing

Grammarly is a must-have especially for those of you who are used to working with typing a lot of text in chrome such as content creation, digital marketing, copywriting, or so on. Grammarly helps you check grammar and spelling for everything you write online.

You can use it professionally or as a beginner, which will make the editing process much easier and more efficient. In addition, it can automatically check for typos when you send an email, type a Tweet, or create important business-related content.

Of course, you don’t want your business to look bad because there are many typos in the content or writing you make, right? With Grammarly, it’s like having your own personal copyeditor! You can try the application here.

10. Loom

There are times when the words in an email or written text in a chat app will not convey the correct meaning.

There is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, the same goes for videos.

With Loom, you can capture, narrate, and immediately share a video recording of your screen, which will help coworkers understand the problem you’re having, or easily deliver on-screen explanations. You’ll also be able to easily walk people through a process, and you can use it to create simple video tutorials.

11. Chrome Calendar Extension

No matter what level of responsibility you have at your job, Google Calendar is another essential resource that you must have.

In particular, you can add this extension as an icon in your browser toolbar, which I highly recommend. Once you add the extension to your browser, you can check for upcoming events with one click without leaving your current page.

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