Definition of State Defense, Importance, Function, Purpose, Benefits

State Defense – Definition, Importance, Function, Purpose, Benefits, Elements, Form, Legal Basis, Examples

State defense is the determination, attitude and behavior of citizens which is carried out regularly, comprehensively and integrated and imbued with love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in ensuring the survival of the nation and state.

The legal basis for the law regarding efforts to defend the state are:

Article 27 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution states that all citizens have the right and are obliged to participate in efforts to defend the state.
Article 30 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states that every citizen has the right and is obliged to participate in the defense and security of the state.

Basic Law of State Defense

The legal basis for implementing state defense in Indonesia is contained in various rules, namely the body of the 1945 Constitution, the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, and the MPR Decree.

1. 1945 Constitution

1. Article 27 Paragraph 3: “Every citizen has the right and is obliged to participate in the defense of the state.”
2. Article 30 Paragraph 1: “Every citizen has the right and is obliged to participate in national defense and security efforts.”
3. Article 30 Paragraph 2: “State defense and security efforts are carried out through a universal people’s defense and security system by the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Indonesian National Police as the main force, and the people as a supporting force.”
4. Article 30 Paragraph 3: “The Indonesian National Army consists of the Army, Navy, and Air Force as state instruments in charge of defending, protecting, and maintaining the integrity and sovereignty of the state.”
5. Article 30 Paragraph 4: “The State Police of the Republic of Indonesia as a state instrument that maintains security and public order has the task of protecting, nurturing, serving the community, and enforcing the law.”
6. Article 30 Paragraph 5: “The composition and position of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, the Indonesian National Police, the relationship between the authorities of the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Indonesian National Police in carrying out their duties, the conditions for the participation of citizens in national defense and security efforts, as well as other matters those related to defense and security are regulated by law.”

TAP MPR No. IV/MPR/1999 concerning Outline of State Policy

In Chapter IV, the determination of the direction of the defense and security policy, among others, mentions the development of the capability of the universal people’s defense and security system which relies on the power of the people, the TNI and Polri as the main forces supported by other components by increasing awareness of defending the country, through mandatory training and building fighting conditions. , as well as realizing the togetherness of the TNI, Polri, and the people.

UU no. 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia

Article 2: “The function of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the functions of the state government in the field of maintaining public security and order, law enforcement, protection, shelter, and service to the community.”

UU no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights

Article 68: “Every citizen is obliged to participate in efforts to defend the state in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.”

The Importance of Defending the Country

Efforts to defend the state are the attitudes and behavior of citizens who are inspired by their love for the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in ensuring the survival of the nation and state. Every normal human being will instinctively always protect, defend, and defend what he has from the interference of others. Especially if something is very liked, very important, and very valuable to you.

According to Rukmini (2011: 6) awareness of defending the country is essentially a willingness to serve the country and a willingness to sacrifice to defend the country. The spectrum of the country’s defense is very wide, from the smoothest to the most violent. Starting from good relations with fellow citizens to jointly counteracting the real threat of armed enemies. This includes acting and doing the best for the nation and state. And State Defense is the determination, attitude, behavior, and actions of citizens in ensuring the survival of the nation and the state, which is imbued with love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The values ​​developed in defending the country are love for the homeland, awareness of the nation and state. Believing in Pancasila as the state ideology, willing to sacrifice for the nation and the state and having the initial ability to defend the state. One of the strategies in building the nation’s deterrent power to face the complexity of this threat is to carry out the revitalization of fostering awareness of defending the state to every citizen. This strategy will be realized if there is an integration of cross-sectoral implementation, as a form of shared responsibility for human resource development to realize the integrity and survival of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Functions and Goals of State Defense

The goals of defending the country include:

1. Maintaining the survival of the nation and state.
2. Preserving culture.
3. Implement the values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
4. Do the best for the nation and state.
5. Maintain the identity and integrity of the nation/state.

The functions of State Defense include:

1. Defend the country from various threats.
2. Maintain the territorial integrity of the country.
3. It is the duty of every citizen.
4. It is a call to history.

National Defense Benefits

The following are some of the benefits obtained from defending the country, namely:

1. Forming a disciplined attitude of time, activities and arrangements for other activities.
2. To form a spirit of togetherness and solidarity among fellow comrades in arms.
3. Build mentally and physically tough.
4. Instill a sense of love for the nation and patriotism according to one’s abilities.
5. Train the spirit of leadership in leading yourself and groups.
6. Forming faith and piety in the religion adhered to by individuals.
7. Devoted to parents, nation, religion.
8. Train speed, dexterity, individual accuracy in carrying out activities.
9. Eliminate negative attitudes such as lazy, apathetic, wasteful, selfish, undisciplined.
10. Forming honest, firm, fair, precise and caring behavior among others.

Elements of National Defense

1. Love the homeland
2. Awareness of the nation and the state
3. Believe in Pancasila as the state ideology
4. Sacrifice for the nation and the state
5. Have the ability to defend the country

Forms of State Defense

Forms of organizing state defense efforts

Our problem now is how is the implementation of citizen participation in state defense efforts? Indonesian citizens can participate in efforts to defend the state through:

1. Civic education.
2. Compulsory basic military training.
3. Serving as soldiers of the Indonesian national army voluntarily or obligatory.
4. Dedication in accordance with the profession.
5. The form of defending the country in the environment

The form of defending the country in the community

1. siskamling
2. Participate in tackling the effects of natural disasters
3. Participate in overcoming mass and communal damage
4. People’s security (karma) is direct participation in the security sector
5. People’s resistance (wanra) is a form of direct people’s participation in the defense sector.
6. Civil defense (Hansip) is the power of the people which is the main strength of the elements of community protection that is utilized in dealing with disasters caused by war and natural disasters as well as being a source of national reserves to deal with extraordinary circumstances.

Example of Defending the Country

The examples of defending the country in everyday life today in various environments are:

1. Creating an atmosphere of harmony, peace, and harmony in the family (family environment).
2. Forming a family that is aware of the law (family environment).
3. Increase faith and piety and science and technology (school environment).
4. Awareness to obey school rules (school environment).
5. Creating an atmosphere of harmony, peace and security in the community (community environment).
6. Maintain village security together (community environment).
7. Comply with applicable legal regulations (state environment).
8. Paying taxes on time (state environment).

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