Definition of multiple sclerosis, Types, Sign, Home remedies for multiple sclerosis

Table Of Content

1. Definition of multiple sclerosis
2. Types of multiple sclerosis
3. Signs & multiple sclerosis
4. Causes of multiple sclerosis
5. Multiple sclerosis risk factors
6. Complications of multiple sclerosis
7. Medication & Treatment of multiple sclerosis
8. Home remedies for multiple sclerosis

Definition of multiple sclerosis

Maybe you’re wondering what multiple sclerosis is. This condition is a disease that has the potential to cause paralysis of the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord.

When you have multiple sclerosis (MS), your immune system attacks the fat layer that protects your nerve fibers, causing miscommunication between your brain and the rest of your body.

Over time, this disease can cause permanent damage or decreased nerve function. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary widely and depend on the number of nerves that are damaged.

Not a few people with multiple sclerosis who are already at a severe level experience paralysis or difficulty walking, while others experience various other symptoms.

Unfortunately, this condition cannot be treated. Treatment for multiple sclerosis usually aims to help the process of recovery from MS attacks and reduce symptoms.

How common is this condition?

Globally, about 2.1 million people have MS. Chances of developing MS vary, depending on different ethnic groups. This disease can be overcome by reducing risk factors. Discuss with your doctor for more information.

Types of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis experienced by each individual can be very different. That means, each individual has different symptoms and conditions.

In fact, there are people who have multiple sclerosis but are not aware of their condition. However, there are also those who experience a fairly severe condition of multiple sclerosis.

MS itself is divided into four types, including:

1. Multiple sclerosis relapsing-remitting

Patients will feel symptoms that appear and then disappear if they experience this type of MS. Attacks will appear suddenly for several times and then disappear by themselves.

2. Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis

This type of MS occurs after several years of patients experiencing relapsing-remitting MS . The attack pattern of this type is a symptom that lasts longer. Even so, the number of attacks became less than before.

3. Multiple sclerosis progresif primer

This type of multiple sclerosis begins in the absence of attacks. However, the attacks will slowly get worse over time.

4. Multiple sclerosis progressive-relapsing

Compared to other types of MS, this type is relatively rare. Usually, this type begins with a slowly developing condition, but as time goes on, the condition worsens rapidly.

Signs & multiple sclerosis

People with multiple sclerosis tend to experience their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. Usually, the symptoms will improve but then occur again. Some of them come and go, while others stay.

Symptoms that are felt from one person to another will not be the same. You may experience only one symptom, and live a life without any other symptoms for years.

These symptoms can occur at one time, go away, and never come back. However, some people experience symptoms that get worse over time.

Keep a record of what symptoms you are experiencing. It’s a step that can help your doctor understand your multiple sclerosis.

Meanwhile, common symptoms of multiple sclerosis include:

1. Bladder problems.
2. Depression.
3. Dizziness or vertigo.
4. Fatigue.
5. Impaired coordination (ataxia).
6. Sensory nerve disorders.
7. Tense muscles.
8. Sensitivity to temperature.
9. Tremor.
10. Disturbances with short-term memory and concentration.
11. Problems with vision.
12. Weakness.

When to go to the doctor?

If you have any of the signs or symptoms above or have any questions, please consult your doctor. Each body functions differently from one another. Discuss with your doctor to get the best solution for your situation.

Causes of multiple sclerosis

The main cause of MS is still unknown. This condition is considered an autoimmune disorder because the body’s immune system attacks the tissues in the body itself.

In MS, the body’s immune system destroys fatty substances that protect nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. This fatty substance is called myelin.

When this myelin is damaged, the nerve fibers become unprotected. This can affect the information coming through these nerve fibers, such as being slowed down or blocked.

Even so, it is still unclear how MS can occur in certain individuals. This is thought to occur with a combination of genetic or hereditary factors and environmental factors.

Multiple sclerosis risk factors

According to the Mayo Clinic, risk factors for multiple sclerosis are:

1. Age

Although basically MS can happen to anyone, but generally, this condition is experienced by people aged between 20-40 years. However, it is possible that people with an older or younger age experience this condition.

2. Gender

This condition is more prone to occur in women than in men. In fact, the risk of women experiencing MS can reach three times the magnitude.

3. Family medical history

If one of your closest family members, both parents and siblings, has had MS, your risk is greater than that of someone with no family medical history of MS.

4. Certain infections

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that is often associated with a variety of viruses, including Epstein-Barr, the virus that causes infectious mononucleosis.

5. Ras

People who are white, especially those from Northern Europe are very susceptible to this condition. Meanwhile, Asians, Africans and Native Americans have a lower risk.

6. Weather

Multiple Sclerosis is considered to be a more common condition in countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and America. The reason is, these countries experience four changes of seasons in a year.

7. Vitamin D deficiency

Levels of vitamin D that are too low in the body, including lack of sun exposure can increase the risk of developing this condition.

8. Autoimmune disorders

If you have autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disorders, psoriasis, type 1 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease, your risk of developing MS is slightly greater than for other people.

9. Smoking

If you have a smoking habit, you should start quitting smoking now. The reason, smokers are more prone to MS than non-smokers.

Complications of multiple sclerosis

Complications that may occur as a result of MS include:

1. Muscle stiffness.
2. Paralysis, especially in the leg area.
3. Problems with urination and defecation.
4. Sexual dysfunction.
5. Quite a drastic change in mood.
6. Often forget.
7. Depression.
8. Epilepsy.

Medication & Treatment of multiple sclerosis

The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your doctor.

How to diagnose this condition?

There are no specific tests that prove the diagnosis. Your doctor will suggest that you see a neurologist (a specialist in diseases of the nervous system). Blood tests, a spinal tap, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and a visual-evoked potential test (EPT) may be needed.

An MRI shows areas where myelin is inflamed or damaged. In a spinal tap, the doctor takes a sample of fluid from the spine for examination, while the EPT tries to look for abnormalities in brain function by recording electrical signals.

How to treat multiple sclerosis?

MS cannot be cured, but many treatments are available to control symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Two aspects of MS treatment are immune-modulating therapy for immune disorders and reliever therapy for symptom control.

Treatment for multiple sclerosis attacks may include corticosteroid medications, which are the mainstay of treatment to control symptoms and reduce neuroinflammation.

To modify progression, treatment options can be beta-interferon or drugs to slow and inhibit the immune system’s reaction.

In addition, physical therapy and muscle relaxants are also considered. Other medicines depend on the type of symptoms the patient is experiencing, such as pain relievers.

Home remedies for multiple sclerosis

Lifestyle and home remedies that may help with this condition are:

1. Sports

If you have MS, regular exercise can help improve strength, muscle tone, balance, and coordination. Swimming or other water sports are great options if you can’t stand the heat.

Other types of light to moderate exercise are recommended for people with MS, including walking, stretching, low-impact aerobics, stationary cycling, yoga, and tai chi.

2. Eat a balanced diet

Foods that are good for people with MS are diets low in saturated fat but high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as olive oil and fish, which may be beneficial.

Other foods that you can also consume are foods that are sources of vitamin D, and foods that contain probiotics, prebiotics, or fiber may be potentially beneficial for people with MS.

3. Manage stress

Stress may trigger or worsen signs and symptoms. Yoga, tai chi, massage, meditation or deep breathing may help.

If you have any questions, consult a doctor for the best solution for your problem.

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