Choice of Fresh Fruit Juices to Support Pregnancy Programs

There are fruits that are good for fertility, from watermelon to mango. This is fruit juice which is said to be effective in helping pregnancy programs. When carrying out a pregnancy program (promil), couples are advised to consume lots of fruit. If you are bored of eating cut fruit, then fruit juice can be a good alternative.

All fruit is generally good for health and can help with pregnancy. This is because fruit can complement the body’s need for several types of nutrients, especially micronutrients.

As we know, micronutrients are substances that are also important in the fertilization process.

Even though it is not the main determining factor in the success of a prom, some fruit juices can be a nutritious snack. So, here are several juice options to help your profile:

1. Berry Juice

Who still doubts the antioxidant content in various types of berries? Whether it’s strawberries, blueberries or raspberries, they are all rich in antioxidants. 

Therefore, for those of you who want to maintain the health of your egg cells from the threat of free radicals, berry juice is the right choice!

Not only because of its antioxidant content, the phytonutrients in berry juice have the potential to increase fertility. 

Berry juice also contains vitamin C and folic acid which can increase the chances of getting pregnant. 

2. Avocado Juice

Folic acid is a nutritional content that can support the pregnancy program. One fruit that is rich in folic acid is avocado.

This green fleshy fruit contains high levels of folic acid and vitamin K which can help the body absorb nutrients effectively. 

Vitamin K in avocados also helps maintain hormonal regulation, both in men and women.

3. Orange Juice

It turns out that apart from its delicious taste, orange juice contains large amounts of vitamin C and folate.

One large orange contains 55 micrograms of folate, which is about 14 percent of the daily requirement. The folate in orange juice can help increase fertility. 

In a study published in The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, folic acid supplementation can increase pregnancy success. Therefore, orange juice is good for helping your promil. 

4. Papaya Juice

Papaya fruit has a bright orange color which comes from its carotenoid content. Who would have thought that papaya is also rich in folic acid. 

One cup (140 grams) of papaya contains folate that reaches 13 percent of the daily requirement. 

Apart from being rich in folate which can help promil, papaya is also high in vitamin C which can act as an antioxidant.

5. Guava Juice

Even though it is more famous as a juice for dengue fever, it turns out that guava juice is also useful for promil or fertility.

Guava, which is a fruit native to South America, is known to be rich in vitamin C. There is 125 mg of vitamin C in 1 guava fruit. This is equal to 138 percent of daily needs.

Apart from that, guava contains the antioxidant lycopene. Due to its contents, guava juice can be useful for your pregnancy program.

6. Orange Melon Juice

Orange melon, or cantaloupe in English, is a fruit that is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. 1 cup of orange melon contains approximately 17.4 mg of vitamin C (19 percent of an adult’s daily requirement for vitamin C).

Apart from being beneficial for its vitamin content, orange melon juice also has the potential to help fertility because of its high fiber content.

In a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, foods high in fiber are believed to increase fertility. Therefore, orange melon juice is good for fertility to helps you get pregnant quickly.

7. Kiwi Juice

Kiwi is one of the fruits with the highest vitamin C content. One medium-sized kiwi fruit contains around 56 mg of vitamin C, or 62 percent of the body’s daily need for vitamin C.

The high vitamin C content in kiwi can potentially help your pregnancy program. Not only that, kiwi also has benefits for the immune system.

8. Apple Juice

Apples are a fruit that is ‘close’ to our daily lives. For those of you who enjoy apple juice, know that this juice can be a good choice to help promil.

This is because apples are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber, these contents have the potential to increase fertility. So, try to regularly consume apples or apple juice.

9. Plum Juice

Plums are not only beneficial because of their high water content. Plums have also been researched to be rich in antioxidants. Not only that, it turns out that plums are high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folic acid.

Antioxidants and their potential to help increase fertility have been found in various studies. 

One of them is explained in the journal Advances in Nutrition, that oxidative stress due to free radicals can affect cells. In fact, fertility begins with a process involving a small cell, namely the egg cell.  

It has been proven that when free radicals ( reactive oxygen species/ROS ) enter the egg cells, damage will occur that disrupts the fertilization process. 

That is why in treating infertility, providing antioxidants is one of the common steps that is always present.

These are some recommendations for fruit juice to help your profile. Note that fruit juice is not a ‘magic medicine’ to overcome all infertility problems. 

Fruit juice is only a complement to the nutritional content that may be needed when undergoing promil. Therefore, fruit juice is not the only type of nutritional intake for people who are promil.

In addition, avoid adding excessive amounts of various types of simple sugars (for example, granulated sugar) to the juice-making process. Consuming pure fruit juice is a relatively healthier choice.

Also, calculate your fertile period and determine your pregnancy program using the Health Tools Fertility Calculator.

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